« on: September 21, 2016, 2309 UTC »
I started a new thread only because they had signed off before and seemed like they were just signing on now. Fair reception.
2310z faint music, fading in and out...electric guitar solo
2317z Hard rock song, YL singer - muffled
2334z Off air?
« Last Edit: November 21, 2016, 0041 UTC by ChrisSmolinski »

Tecsun H501x (broadcast received on this unless noted), Zenith T/O G500, Zenith T/O Royal 7000, Emerson AR-176, Zenith 8S154, T/O 7G605 (Bomber), Tecsun PL-600, Tecsun PL-880, Zenith 5S320, Realistic DX 160 using 40 feet of copper wire. With apologies to Senator Gramm for his thoughts on firearms, "I have more radios than I need but not as many as I want."
QTH: Durham, Connecticut (rural setting, 15 miles north of Long Island Sound)
qsl please to: jamcanner@comcast.net (Thank you)