0058 UTC Sounds like Dr. Benway is making an appearance this evening!
0101 UTC OFF?

0105 UTC Much better signal here with the story of the Solomon Islands trip
0108 UTC xmsn break, back up then OFF again
0110 UTC On again

Thanks for giving it a shot tonight Dr. Benway! Love that story!
0200 UTC "What it might be like to be a ghost...."...intense cloud of chlorine gas...looking around for the wife and kids...got a glimpse of my wife...she didn't really respond...mystified look on her face...knocked my favorite mug off the bar...found I could move things....rearrange things...
0204 UTC ID and email addy/postal addy in Merlin Ontario
0205 UTC "Frankenstein:-Edgar Winter Group
0209 UTC Organ music and sound effects
0213 UTC OM with ID and email/postal addy for reports (music continued)
A while ago I was walking through town...noticed someone in the distance...as he passed he bumped into me...Halloween...many of you have fond memories of Halloween as a kid...collecting candy...later years loved to turn my parents house into a spooky mansion...extreme distaste for Halloween....
(I remember hearing this story about the Haunted House...good one to listen to while I fall asleep...thanks Dr. Benway!)
EDIT:While falling asleep with the NRD on timer, noticed the closing ID and "Thank you for listening" then OFF at 0225 UTC
THANKS for the 2005 Halloween show broadcast Dr. Benway!