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Author Topic: UNID SSTV on 6952 usb, 1930 utc 24 Dec. 2016  (Read 1277 times)

Offline Dr. Amp

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UNID SSTV on 6952 usb, 1930 utc 24 Dec. 2016
« on: December 24, 2016, 1933 UTC »
Saw a suspicious signal on the SDR waterfall and jumped on it in time to catch the last half of a greyscale test pattern with no ID.

Fired up again @1934, big S9+20 signal, biggest signal in the band by far, but still just a grey bar test pattern with no ID.  (There was a presumed CW ID at the end, but I don't speak CW and I didn't record it.)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 1936 UTC by Pope Jim »
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Offline Rafman

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Re: UNID SSTV on 6952 usb, 1930 utc 24 Dec. 2016
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2016, 1947 UTC »
It has been on most of the day, signing a callsign of WD2XJP, U of Mass [expired?]

Found this reference at https://apps.fcc.gov/els/GetAtt.html?id=180335&x=.

Renewal of experimental license WD2XJP
This application is fee exempt.
The application is filed by a state university for the purpose of completing federally-funded research
grants and contracts.
The requested license is necessary to perform research under federal grants and contracts including
NOAA Award number #NA16OAR4590209 entitled “Improved Understanding of Tornado
Development and Risk using Models and Observations from VORTEX-SE 2017” to the University of
Massachusetts Amherst. This grant supports the use of mobile Doppler radar systems for the study of
severe storms, tornadoes, and other phenomena. The cognizant NOAA Program Director is Dr.
Richard Fulton (Richard.Fulton@noaa.gov)
Onion Flats [Baskerville] VA USA
[All QSLs greatly appreciated: WIFIDX@gmail.com]
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