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Author Topic: UK Remote SDR - European Europe 26 MHz 27 MHz 11 Meter Logs 30 May 2017  (Read 1135 times)

Offline R4002

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Starting at 1730 UTC.  WebSDR (technically, a KiwiSDR located grid IO80PW).  Clearly some propagation from Eastern Europe going on.  The 26 MHz region was interesting to look at on the waterfall.  Very organized use of 10 kHz steps and USB mode.  Once you get closer to the "mid band" or "CEPT" European band (26.965 to 27.405 MHz), things get a little crazier.  Basically, throw out the 10 kHz channel steps.  They're now 5 kHz steps.  Oh, and there's Russians EVERYWHERE. They're even having a casual QSO in USB mode on 27190 kHz, right next to the very busy 27180 and 27185 frequencies (Polish "zeros" frequency CB Channel 19 and EU/CEPT/EC channel 19)  No matter.  The area around 27.5 MHz is also nice and organized.  5 kHz steps, almost all USB mode, and stations that called CQ on 27555 USB then QSY to another nearby frequency.  

FM seems to be the main mode of choice, with some AM and USB thrown in for good measure.  The use of SSB appears to almost entirely be outside the legal frequency bands.  The UK FM 27/81 CB band 27.60125 to 27.99125 MHz (or 27601.25 to 27991.25 kHz) band was also busy, but I only logged a couple signals on the actual channels (of course, Russians using whatever frequency they want were also found in the 27.6 to 28 MHz area).

Lots of pagers and other data transmitters logged, and of course, the Italians on 27075 AM, 27465 AM and others.

26200 FM - POCSAG Paging
26350 FM - POCSAG Paging
26365 USB - Polish or Russian language
26375 USB - Polish or Russian language
26385 USB - Polish or Russian language
26400 FM - POCSAG Paging
26405 USB - Polish or Russian language
26415 USB - Polish or Russian language
26425 USB - Polish or Russian language
26465 USB - Polish or Russian language
26475 USB - Polish or Russian language, very professional sounding communications with numerical callsigns
26505 USB - Polish or Russian language
26515 AM - Russian taxi cab dispatcher
26635 FM - Russian taxi cab dispatcher
26685 USB - Russian language (very strong)
26720 FM - Russian
26745 FM - POCSAG Paging
26815 FM - Russian language taxi cab dispatch
26860 FM - Polish or Russian language (weak)
26900 FM - POCSAG Paging (very strong signal)
26925 AM - Unknown language - probably Eastern European
26935 FM - Russian language
26940 FM - Data signal (maybe a different paging format??)
26965 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 1 - Russian voice traffic
26985 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 3 - British accented English language traffic
27000 FM - Russian
27005 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 4 - British accented English language traffic
27015 AM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 5 - Several stations talking at once, possibly AM and FM signals, very messy
27050 FM - Russian
27075 AM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 10 - Italian stations heard (lots of echo!)
27085 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 11 - Similar to 27015, mixed modes, heavy QRM
27125 AM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 14 - Italian language
27145 FM - Data signal (very strong, about 8 kHz wide)
27150 FM - Russian OMs talking
27160 FM - Data
27170 FM - Russian language
27175 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 18 - British English
27180 FM - Russian language - a dozen different carriers at once
27185 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 19 - another dozen or so different carriers at once
27190 USB - Russian language
27200 FM - Russian language heard (data signal underneath)
27205 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 20 - British English language traffic with other signal underneath
27210 FM - Russian language
27225 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 22 - Russian language (lots of fading)
27240 FM - Russians talking, then laughing hysterically
27255 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 23 - Italian language
27260 FM - Russian language
27275 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 27 - Italian language (S9+ signals) two stations having a QSO
27280 FM - Russian language
27295 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 29 - British English (getting slammed by signal on 27300)
27300 FM - POCSAG Paging and data signals (non stop data on this frequency)
27305 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 30 - British English
27315 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 31 - Russian, other voices heard underneath
27330 FM - Russian language (strong, YL dispatcher likely a taxi company)
27350 FM - Russian language
27375 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 37 - "One two three...one two three" "this is Italian station 1 Kilo, over"
27385 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 38 - Italian language
27395 FM - CEPT/EU CB Channel 39 - Italian language (S9+ signals, very strong)
27405 USB - CEPT/EU CB Channel 40 - Spanish language
27425 FM - Russian language
27435 FM - Russian language
27450 FM - Carrier, appears to be unmodulated
27465 AM - Italian language (very very strong signals, reminds me of 27025 AM in the USA)
27470 USB - Spanish language
27485 AM - Italian language (one station is on 27483.7, making a very annoying het)
27505 FM - Russian language
27515 USB - Spanish, French and English heard (French station transmitting)
27520 USB - English language, 10W007 working another station
27525 USB - English language, Naples Italy working "Victor" and "Bob" very nice signals
27530 USB - English language, 11 meter freebanders
27535 USB - English language, 11 meter freebanders
27540 USB - English language, another Italian station working another [unheard] station
27545 FM - Russian language, getting severally QRMed by Italians on 27540 USB
27550 USB - French language
27555 USB - Several stations calling CQ DX and requesting QSY to different frequencies (5 kHz steps)
27585 USB - Spanish language (heavily distorted/overmodulated)
27595 USB - Spanish and Italian heard
27600 USB - Italian language
27615 USB - "okay, many thanks..." "200 whiskey amplifier" 11 meter freeband DXers having a QSO
27620 USB - Italian language
27640 USB - Spanish language
27641 FM - UK FM CB Channel 5 British English intentionally QRMing the SSB traffic on frequency
27655 FM - Russian language (taxi dispatch lady)
27665 USB - Spanish language
27695 LSB - Spanish language
27695 USB - Spanish language
27710 USB - Italian language
27725 FM - Russian language
27751 FM - UK FM CB Channel 16 - dead carrier but strong signal
27781 FM - UK FM CB Channel 19 - British English (busy with fading)
27855 FM - Russian language
27895 USB - Italian language
« Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 1746 UTC by R4002 »
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m


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