Recent logs from Downers Grove, Illinois
Great pipeline to the left coast last nite.
2018-01-26 0901 328.0 LAC Fort Lewis, WA, USA 2783 Km
2018-01-23 0547 341.0 FM Fort Meyers, FL, USA 1787 Km New
2018-01-26 0912 348.0 MNC Shelton, WA, USA 2827 Km
2018-01-26 0935 371.0 YK Yakima, WA, USA 2618 Km New
2018-01-26 1023 378.0 AP Active Pass (Mayne Island), BC, CAN 2843 Km
2018-01-26 0916 378.0 OT North Bend, OR, USA 2954 Km
2018-01-26 0826 391.0 TK Telkwa (Smithers), BC, CAN 3171 Km New
NDBs this report 7 New NDBs 3