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Author Topic: Need help getting my new KiwiSDR setup  (Read 3567 times)

Offline Strange Beacons

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Need help getting my new KiwiSDR setup
« on: December 31, 2018, 0142 UTC »
UPDATE 1: I figured it out. Was able to access the SDR admin page using my iPad, then set up things so that I can now access using my Windows machine.

UPDATE 2: A bit of a head's up for anyone who purchases one of the KiwiSDR units and who (like me) primarily uses a Windows computer: If your router has a DHCP server, it will automatically assign an IP address to the KiwiSDR. This function is usually performed by your network firewall / router. The "kiwisdr.local" hostname resolves to that assigned IP address via software on the Kiwi and the host computer you're connecting from (the one running your browser). But the kiwisdr.local hostname may not be recognized by all systems, particularly any machine that is running Windows.

For a workaround to this problem, you need to specify the IP address manually by port forwarding 8073 in your router. I use Xfinity/Comcast and I was able to go into my router via the admin page and specifically port forward the IP assigned to the Kiwi (by default, normally port 8073). Once I had completed that, Windows would then recognize the URL and I was able to get inside the Kiwi admin page using the standard kiwisdr.local:8073/admin URL.

Hope this helps anyone who encounters difficulties. If you run into any trouble getting your Kiwi set up and configured, feel free to contact me. I'm not a computer guru and can't solve every problem, but I do know a few things about how to manipulate a home router to make it do things that you want them to do.


Received my KiwiSDR today, assembled it and connected everything. I'm able to connect to it locally, but am having trouble setting it up in order to share it with the world. When I say that I can connect locally, I mean that I can enter in the local IP my router has assigned to the KiwiSDR and specify port 8073 at the end of the IP and it works. Here is an example of the IP that works:

However, I cannot get the browser to load using the kiwisdr.local:8073 address. Which in turn means that I cannot access the kiwisdr.local:8073/admin page to try other suggested methods of making the SDR publicly available.

According to the Quick Start Guide! that I'm working with, trying to get kiwisdr.local: 8073 to open using Windows 10 is a known issue. Anyone know a workaround?

Here is what the quick start guide says about Windows 10: Most versions of Windows don't recognize the kiwisdr.local hostname. But do not use the workaround for Window 10 or later. There appears to be some sort of conflict and using kiwisdr.local will result in connections that have lots of audio overrun problems.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2019, 2114 UTC by Strange Beacons »

Offline ChrisSmolinski

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Re: Need help getting my new KiwiSDR setup
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2018, 1341 UTC »
Feel free to add your KiwiSDR to the list on the HFU Wiki: https://www.hfunderground.com/wiki/index.php/KiwiSDR
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
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Offline Strange Beacons

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Re: Need help getting my new KiwiSDR setup
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2018, 1734 UTC »
Feel free to add your KiwiSDR to the list on the HFU Wiki: https://www.hfunderground.com/wiki/index.php/KiwiSDR

Thanks, Chris, and I will do this just as soon as I finish configuring the SDR's IP to a proxy service.


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