Agreed with Chris. I'd love to have some UK FM CB (and Community Audio Distribution Service / Wireless Public Address System) DX (church radio on 27 MHz) again. If they're coming out of Ireland, then its Wireless Public Address System (WPAS), if they're coming out of the UK, its Community Audio Distribution Service (CADS).
Ireland actually allows the use of the UK FM CB frequencies (27601.25 to 27991.25 in straight 10 kHz steps in FM mode and AM mode) plus an Ireland only bandplan 27605 to 27995 in straight 10 kHz steps (also in both FM and AM modes) for WPAS. This is probably due to Churches getting their hands on export radios and using the de facto standard 10 kHz CB band plan instead of the offset UK FM CB frequencies for the 27.6 to 28 MHz range. Then, of course, there's the usual 26965-27405 "mid band" legal CB band (which apparently is legal for CADS/church radio broadcasts in the UK but not legal for WPAS/church radio broadcasts in Ireland).
At some point I'll put together a frequency list for CADS and WPAS and include it as a sticky on the 10 meter/11 meter DX forum like I did with the pager/datalink frequecy list.