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Author Topic: Mingua Beef Jerky...  (Read 2950 times)

Offline Pigmeat

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Mingua Beef Jerky...
« on: October 14, 2018, 1200 UTC »
The pride of Kentucky and the best commercial jerky on the market. Yes, it's expensive, but once you get taste of it, you won't care. The Mingua Brothers raise their own cattle and use slices of prime cuts for their product. Google "Mingua Beef Jerky" and order straight from the farm if you can't find it in your area. You can thank me later.

Offline Traveling Wave

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Re: Mingua Beef Jerky...
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2018, 1211 UTC »
Found it on Amazon... love the reviews:
This one had 5 stars...
"It has a mystical flavor. Some call it Cajun. You keep eating this, looking for that ethereal hit of spice, hot and salty. And then you find it. Repeat. Warning, If you are a what we used to call a crybaby pusscake... too much salt-too hot-vegan- too this too that, this not for you. Only true adventurers should try this. Like people with lives to live, hills and mountains and rivers to cross."

This one had 1 star..
1. Good texture
2. Thin slices
3. Nice seasoning
4. Too much salt (high blood pressure)
5.Use it to kill snails.
Location: Western New York ( Niagara Frontier)
Radio :TS480 with RTL-SDR pan-adapter, HDSDR software, Omni-Rig Control, Zenith T/O R600,T600
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Knowledge is a deadly friend when no one sets the rules. The fate of all mankind I see is in the hands of fools - from Epitaph by King Crimson
Transmit the message to the receiver, Hope for an answer someday - from Life During Wartime by Talking Heads
eQSL appreciated KC2ZYL@gmail.com

Offline Pigmeat

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Re: Mingua Beef Jerky...
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2018, 1357 UTC »
I about jumped for joy when they started selling it beyond Central Kentucky in the last decade. They sell it at most Speedway convenience stores and Kroger's supermarkets in nearby states in the region these days. I used to have to load up when I was in the Lexington area a couple of times of year.

The hot will light you up while you eat it and the next couple of days later while it bids you a slow goodbye. It's nearly coated in cayenne pepper flakes. Apparently that second reviewer was a "salt sissy"? Everything is salty in that part of the country. If you don't like it, don't go there. I know people who use that line of Mingua jerky to salt and season green beans because of it's taste.

Hmm... I wonder how that line of jerky fattens up the escargot for high rollin' gourmets like my pal Al?

Offline Traveling Wave

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Re: Mingua Beef Jerky...
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2018, 1403 UTC »
I read somewhere that chopping it up and putting it on a baked potato makes a good meal !
Location: Western New York ( Niagara Frontier)
Radio :TS480 with RTL-SDR pan-adapter, HDSDR software, Omni-Rig Control, Zenith T/O R600,T600
Antenna: 40m dipole, 20-17-15 meter fan dipole. One of N. Tesla's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production.
Knowledge is a deadly friend when no one sets the rules. The fate of all mankind I see is in the hands of fools - from Epitaph by King Crimson
Transmit the message to the receiver, Hope for an answer someday - from Life During Wartime by Talking Heads
eQSL appreciated KC2ZYL@gmail.com


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Re: Mingua Beef Jerky...
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2018, 1653 UTC »
Been eating jerky now for a couple of days, and it is good. Of course, I'm all swelled up like a tick from all the sodium, but, as Letterman said, "I don't mind the swelling, but I can't stand the itching".

Offline Josh

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Re: Mingua Beef Jerky...
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2018, 1840 UTC »
5.Use it to kill snails.
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Offline Pigmeat

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Re: Mingua Beef Jerky...
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2018, 1844 UTC »
I grew up in a poison ivy paradise, Al. You get used to both.

I've been out chopping the stuff since the weather dried up. I might have grown up with poison ivy, but I'll be damned if I'm going to live with it now.

The snails eat it, too, Josh. They love good jerky.


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