Got it well on Chris Smol's kiwi SDR. Nada at my own QTH, natch.
you are a well respected hobbyist (as many of the HFU members are).
i hope one day, that i will be able to reach your radio equipment.
i may be able to on the 25th as i have a show to broadcast (relay) and i will be operating at 500W (carrier).
this is really a great community of HFU members and HF pirate operators.
im very happy to collaborate with many of you and be a part of the "circle" of good friends.
i didnt intend to broadcast today, had i known that so many operators would be broadcasting today, i would have preferred to listen to them instead but i do have to monitor my own broadcast as i occasionally have some audio issues that i have to resolve.
I appreciate the comments. I think the only answer is that you'll have to be on at night. Even with such low levels of solar flux, there's just too much distance between us for a 43m signal to make it in the daytime. That's not to tell you how you should go about your business - you're the one taking the risks, not me. But I'm sure that one day I'll enjoy your show on my own equipment as I have many others. In the meantime the kiwi SDR network is a godsend.
considering Kiwi, i am currently working on modifying some of the open source code for the "cut filter" to increase its bandwidth from its maximum of 12Khz (6Khz audio) to 20Khz (10Khz audio).
i am pretty sure for many folks, being able to listen to those Hi-Fi broadcasts in SSB and AM with better fidelity audio (at least 10Khz) will also be a Godsend.
i know for one, when RedHat is on the air, being able to listen to his broadcasts on a Kiwi with 10Khz audio will be excellent.
the Kiwi has great low end audio response, now its time to get the high end response worked on.
edit - as far as the risks are concerned, i have thought it out thoroughly and carefully and have been doing daytime broadcasts for a long time now but thanks to everyone for the concern

i have intimate knowledge of how "they" proceed and operate concerning HF pirates (as well as FM pirates).
the key is simply not to interfere with anything and anyone, not be vulgar and offensive and not transmit with thousands of watts of power during the day.
i have implemented several thoughtful and clever mitigations in place should i ever get a "visit", i will know about it long before "they" get close enough to take the necessary FS measurements needed as proof.