0125 Good signal here.
0133 signal now pretty poor.
0146 been listening on the KPH kiwi SDR on the coast of California. Good signal there.
0157 signal has come up well at KPH.
0206 back to my own rx, signal has improved to fair quality here, still some noise that it needs to overcome but hopefully it will do so.
0350 X-FM still going strong, signal has become poor to fair again here in Denver. Still fair strength but much clearer at KPH kiwi SDR.
0435 Redhat on the mic. Nice tuneage, sir.
Funny story about the band 999... My best friend was riding the bus with a friend of his back in the early 80s. He's wearing his 999 shirt. This is when the Satanic Panic was happening, so naturally someone on the bus asks if that shirt is 666 upside down. No, he answers, it's 999 right side up. Said with full "what kind of stupid question was that" attitude.
0500 I'm hanging them up for the night. Thanks for the show Mr. Redhat.