To see what this is all about, go here:,32334.0.htmlAll transmissions received in Denver, CO, USA using an SDRplay RSP2pro and a W6LVP active loop antenna on the dates, times and frequencies noted.
Date (DDMMYYYY): Numbers: File name or repeat: Frequency (kHz) and time(UTC):
01/02/2019 66012 50416601.f1c * 11435 1600
17241 20511724.txt *
10803 46251080.txt *
16171 01041617.txt *
10125 74061012.txt *
67090 57856709.txt *
* These files were first sent on 21 JANUARY 2019. HM01 has been repeating number sets and files every day since then. In recent months they will broadcast the same number sets and files for weeks or even months on end, then on some random date they'll transmit an entirely new set and repeat that for weeks or months.
02/02/2019 66012 repeat 11435 1600
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
03/02/2019 66012 repeat 11435 1600
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
04/02/2019 66012 repeat 11435 1600
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files. Late start today - no carrier until 1604 and no broadcast until 1605. Nothing unusual.
05/02/2019 66012 repeat 11435 1600
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
06/02/2019 66012 repeat 11435 1600
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
07/02/2019 66012 repeat 11435 1600
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
08/02/2019 66012 repeat 11530 1700
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
09/02/2019 66012 repeat 10860 0600 (10 OCT)
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
10/02/2019 66012 repeat 11435 1600
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
11/02/2019 66012 repeat 11435 1600
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
12/02/2019 66012 repeat 11435 1600
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
13/02/2019 66012 repeat 11435 1600
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
14/02/2019 66012 repeat 11435 1600
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
15/02/2019 66012 repeat 11435 1600
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
16/02/2019 66012 repeat 11635 1800
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
17/02/2019 66012 repeat 11435 1600
17241 repeat
10803 repeat
16171 repeat
10125 repeat
67090 repeat
Repeating 21 JAN's number sets and files.
18/02/2019 24078 87752407.txt 11530 1700
46157 50504615.fic
55101 04445510.txt
83882 22748388.txt
28552 76652855.txt
23033 47352303.txt
NEW NUMBER GROUPS AND FILES, first ones in exactly four weeks.
19/02/2019 18251 50631825.f1c 11435 1600
46158 repeat
55101 repeat
83883 repeat
28553 repeat
23034 repeat
Late start, got underway at about 1616z. FIRST PROGRESSION OF NUMBER SETS IN A LONG TIME, will have to check the logs to see when HM01 last operated normally to see how long.
EDIT: The last time HM01 transmitted a normal, progressed series of number sets from the previous days' sets, as opposed to either repeating them without progression or transmitting a completely new set of numbers and files, was 03 NOV 2018, after which those same numbers and files were repeated without variation until 14 JAN 2019.
20/02/2019 18251 repeat 11435 1600
46159 repeat
55102 repeat
83884 repeat
28554 repeat
23035 repeat
21/02/2019 18252 repeat 11530 1700
65311 74016531.txt
55103 repeat
83885 repeat
28555 repeat
23036 repeat
22/02/2019 18253 repeat 11435 1600
65311 repeat
55104 repeat
83886 repeat
28556 repeat
23037 repeat
Some issues at the start with audio dropping out at the start of transmission, but OK from 1601z.
23/02/2019 18253 repeat 16180 2100
65311 repeat
55104 repeat
83886 repeat
28556 repeat
23037 repeat
REPEATING 22 FEB's NUMBERS. Thus it begins again.
24/02/2019 18253 repeat 11435 1600
65311 repeat
55104 repeat
83886 repeat
28556 repeat
23037 repeat
25/02/2019 18253 repeat 11435 1600
65311 repeat
55104 repeat
83886 repeat
28556 repeat
23037 repeat
REPEATING 22 FEB's NUMBERS. Late start. Carrier not up until about 1603 (didn't note the exact time it came up), and remained without a broadcast until Windows startup sound heard at 1619. Silent until 1627 when transmission of information finally began.
26/02/2019 18253 repeat 11435 1600
65311 repeat
55104 repeat
83886 repeat
28556 repeat
23037 repeat
27/02/2019 18253 repeat 11530 1700
65311 repeat
55104 repeat
83886 repeat
28556 repeat
23037 repeat
28/02/2019 18253 repeat 11435 1600
65311 repeat
55104 repeat
83886 repeat
28556 repeat
23037 repeat