The following have been logged here over the period 22nd, 23rd and 24th March 2019, if any one over on the west coast USA and Canada plus Asia have heard these please let me know with date and time. Maybe able to find a propagation link and rough location of such.
March 22nd 2019 March 23rd 2019 March 24th 20192.079 EL7 1409z 2.391 CG7 1830z 2.255 DP5 1420z
2.121 CX1 1827z 2.415 BL1 1838z 2.341 AJ8 1448z
2.127 RJ9 1827z 2.435 CK9 1834z 2.355 AC7 1443z (also GT0 15 secs after)
2.205 TEE 1929z (misfiring) 2.565 DN3 1830z (continuous) 2.360 AP8 1446z
2.206 CP2 1927z 2.370 EL7 1502z
2.240 BV5 1910z 2.381 ZP0 1208z
2.290 DY4 1834z 2.453 UW5 1343z
2.313 BH8 1841z 2.525 FC0 0825z
2.355 GT0 1801z 2.505 EJ7 0830z
2.403 CF3 0815z 2.537 AI3 1215z
2.518 OT5 1924z 2.575 BN5 1430z
2.558 AQ3 0832z 2.639 ZN9 0725z
2.569 PH3 1424z
2.572 CP6 1839z
2.587 XR0 1439z
2.599 MV5 1801z
2.609 FK6 0842z
2.637 UO4 1452z
Darkness starts here around 0900z with first light being 2000z on eastern coast of Australia.