Guessing it might be that open spot up there at the output transistor marked "C64" but since there is no schematic available with these, hard to tell.
I did verify this is an oddity. It is the "FM35B" circuit board, but in a case marked "FM30". The other giveaway is that the FM30 product was a through the hole component board, while the FM35 was all SMD. Parts placement on the FM30 layout diagram from the construction manual, which, btw, has no real schematic, is completely different from this FM35 board. The only real similarity is the curly stub.
I suspect the deal is that if someone ordered a "fully assembled" FM30, they changed the front panel on the FM35B and omitted the jumper to keep it at the preamplifier power output. Or, maybe at the time they just had a bunch of spare FM35B's to get rid of.