Just my opinion here, but how about testing with friends locally on the 10M CW portion of that band? Then, when you get more efficient, move to 80M, or anyplace else in HF. If you have HF/6M rig, you can even try 6M CW. The weird thing, my last CW contact was a VHF / UHF June Sweepsteaks in the mid-90's on 432MHz. (I knew the other station's ops, so they were patient with me. Hi-hi...) Why??? That's where a majority of weak signal activity was, and probably still is, on 432MHz, and even 2M 144MHz. Of coarse, with the upper HF bands being dead, you can also do 12M, 15M, (Plenty of elbow room there.), 17M, and the CW / Data only 30M band. Oh... Why did I suggest 10M for a CW start? Well, the trend today in starting into Amateur Radio seems to be CB'ers, with the export 10M rigs that are MOD'ed for 11M. However, when they get their Tech ticket, they already have the Tech portion of the 10M band from 28.0000MHz - 28.5000MHz open to them, and I've talked to more new HAM's on 10M, than on 2M, which use to be the gate-way band for Amateur Radio. Again, just my take here, and I'm on the assumption that you are new into the hobby, when, (For all I know.), you could be a near 30 year veteran. I really want to brush up on my CW as well, since I haven't really applied it since 1996. Good luck!!!! 73!!!!!!!