KOREA SOUTH. Observed frequencies Nov 23 (Monday):
VOP: 3480 (best reception) // 3910 // 3930 // 4450 // 6520 // 6600, at 1048;
no change for the second consecutive week!VOH: 3985 // 4880 // 5995 // 6245 // 6350 // 9095, at 1055; all frequencies changed today.
Voice of Freedom, 5920, at 1100, with fair reception (no jamming); start of program "Haengboghan
Daehanmingug" (Happy Republic of Korea). The super jamming from N. Korea was still heard on
6045, while 6135 was a clear frequency with no jamming.
National Unity Radio, still on 7200 kHz., at 1111 UT. Also later at 1143, with very brief English
language lesson; about a one minute spot; started and ended with the pop song "ABC" by the Jackson 5;
"I really enjoyed the meal"; still with schedule of 1100-1258; my brief audio
https://bit.ly/3lVMxbe .
Asilomar State Beach, Calif.
CR-1, antenna: 30m long wire