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Author Topic: Izhevzsk Russia KiwiSDR 11 meter Logs 1015+ UTC 1 Oct 2021  (Read 650 times)

Offline R4002

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Izhevzsk Russia KiwiSDR 11 meter Logs 1015+ UTC 1 Oct 2021
« on: October 01, 2021, 1045 UTC »
Grid LO66ou

26695 FM 26.695 MHz FM - FSK data - sounds like POCSAG
26795 FM 26.795 MHz FM - FSK data - paging system pagers
26945 FM 26.945 MHz FM - FSK data, very strong - as usually heard here and and on 26960.0
26960 FM 26.960 MHz FM - FSK data, very strong, numerous signals on frequency
26965 FM 26.965 MHz FM - Weak FM signals, sounds like German?
27000 FM 27.000 MHz FM - Russian language CB activity
27003 FM 27.003 MHz FM - Wideband FSK signal, 26997 to 27007 (center appears to be closest to 27.003 MHz)
27045 FM 27.045 MHz FM - Data bursts, weak
27045 FM 27.045 MHz FM - Taxi cab dispatcher - YL
27055 FM 27.055 MHz FM - OM CB chatter - Russian language
27075 FM 27.075 MHz FM - UNID language, FM mode
27085 USB 27.085 MHz USB - Russian language
27120 AM 27.120 MHz AM - Dits, sets of 2 or 4, frequency 27120.2
27125 FM 27.125 MHz FM - Weak activity
27135 AM 27.135 MHz AM - Weak AM CB chatter
27155 AM 27.155 MHz AM - Strong AM signals heard, possibly local channel?
27155 FM 27.155 MHz FM - FM signals mixing with the AM signals on same frequency
27190 FM 27.190 MHz FM - FSK, two tones heard, short bursts
27265 FM 27.265 MHz FM - Russian language mixing in with UNID language
27315 FM 27.315 MHz FM - UNID languages, numerous stations mixing together
27335 LSB 27.335 MHz LSB - Russian language - fair signal (SIO 333)
27385 FM 27.385 MHz FM - Russian language, weak - CB activity
27545 USB 27.545 MHz USB - UNID SSB activity
27555 USB 27.555 MHz USB - Numerous stations heard calling CQ DX, 26 division, 91 division heard
27565 USB 27.565 MHz USB - UNID SSB activity
27590 USB 27.590 MHz USB - "that is a station from Indonesia calling, we have nice propagation..."
27601 FM 27.601 MHz FM - 27.64125 MHz FM - UK FM CB stations, active
27605 FM 27.605 MHz FM - Taxi cab dispatcher - Russian language
27641 FM 27.641 MHz FM - 27.64125 MHz FM - UK FM CB stations, active
27711 FM 27.711 MHz FM - 27.71125 MHz FM - UK FM CB stations, active
27721 FM 27.721 MHz FM - 27.72125 MHz FM - UK FM CB stations, active
27741 FM 27.741 MHz FM - 27.74125 MHz FM - UK FM CB stations, active
27781 FM 27.781 MHz FM - 27.78125 MHz FM - Talking about "tango echo net" "on 27375"
27741 FM 27.741 MHz FM - 27.74125 MHz FM - UK FM CB stations, active
27921 FM 27.921 MHz FM - 27.92125 MHz FM - UK FM CB stations, active
27941 FM 27.941 MHz FM - 27.94125 MHz FM - UK FM CB stations, active
27951 FM 27.951 MHz FM - 27.95125 MHz FM - UK FM CB stations, active
27961 FM 27.961 MHz FM - 27.96125 MHz FM - UK FM CB stations, active
27981 FM 27.981 MHz FM - 27.98125 MHz FM - UK FM CB stations, active
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m

Offline R4002

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Re: Izhevzsk Russia KiwiSDR 11 meter Logs 1015+ UTC 1 Oct 2021
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2021, 1417 UTC »
26.695 MHz is a well-known UK paging frequency - technically an offset from the 26.700 MHz European standardized paging frequency.

Depending on where you look, 26.2 MHz to 26.965 MHz is a standardized paging band, other sources say 26.235 MHz to 26.935 MHz and still others say 26.500 MHz to 26.960 MHz...

26.795 MHz also had what sounded like POCSAG on it.  26.695 was certainly POCSAG (and was pretty strong). 

The wider-than-normal 10 kHz wide FSK signal actually might have been 2-carrier MFSK, as the carriers were closer to 26995 and 27005, mark or space moved them up or down roughly 1.5 kHz or 2 kHz, but the whole signal was 10 kHz or 12 kHz wide...compared to the usual 6-8 kHz wide data signals heard on the 25-28 MHz band.

The dits on 27.120 MHz could have been a legit ISM signal or some sort of non-communications signal.  Or, it could be some sort of beacon.  27125 had voice activity on it that would, at times, drown out the 27120 signal.

In regards to the 27.120 MHz signal, there is this:

https://www.qsl.net/n2sln/driftnetbeacons.html 26 MHz and 27 MHz Driftnet Beacons 26 MHz Fishnet Radio Beacons Radiobuoy 26 MHz 27 MHz
« Last Edit: October 01, 2021, 1422 UTC by R4002 »
U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m


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