I was DXing in my local park this afternoon & I heard French speaking out of banders on 6622 USB @ 1700 hrs UTC talking directly on the Shannon Aero frequency. Shannon Aero were trying to talk to a pilot at the same time, who was then instructed to move to 5649 due to the out of banders causing difficulty in being heard.
A couple of minutes later, a warning came from the op at Shannon asking for the out of banders to move to another frequency, but the out of banders kept on talking.
A few minutes later, another warning from the op at Shannon asked the out of banders to move again, but still nothing & they kept on talking.
I then heard beeping noises, likely from Shannon, played over & over until the out of banders stopped talking.
At around 1710 hrs UTC, the frequency was clear & the Shannon op was calling out any planes that were previously trying to contact the station to call in again. I was monitoring for another 10 minutes & normal service seemed to have resumed again.