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1410 Bluesy electric guitar music at noise floor
1412 Off?
S6 SIO 333
1352 - Interview -  2 people talking
1413 - Off - ??
SDR recording catch, on 1679.988 kHz from 0054-0306 UTC. I'm basing this report on a Carrier Sleuth high resolution waterfall image. It looks like a pirate that was on for about two hours, vs a licensed station that faded in before it went QRT for the day.

SDR recording catch, on 1620.010 kHz from 0055-0454 UTC, mixing with Cuba. Sounds like the usual UNID MoR pirate.
Excellent signal here, too. Talk about Jan 6 & intermeshing of far-left & communist strategies. A recording of a morning show interview, but not with DJT.

My guess is this is the Voice of the Sons of Liberty. Nope. YL computer voice with ID as "------ in the Morning (?), your one-stop shop for anti-communist talk radio" 1st word maybe "Pygmy"?
1231 Just tuned in, OM speaking, Donald Trump perhaps? SIO 555
1301 Music now.
1307 ID by synthesized? YL voice, difficult to decipher. Into audio from interview.
1411 Off

I went back and listened to the ID several times. I'm going with Pygmies In The Morning. The op can always correct me with an eQSL  ;D
The correct name is Radio Joey.
QSLs Received / Radio Piko QSL
« Last post by Gino Italy on Today at 08:01 »
Many thanks Jari !!!

Good Morning to you all. On the frequency and before 20.30 UTC, I picked up on the frequency 6395 KHz, here in Northern France, Radio JOE, but I am not sure about its name even it is not the first time that it is heard here. The signal was 2/12 LED with a SINPO of 25322 during an outdoor reception in my garden. It only broadcasted techno music. Good DX. B.L. 
Good morning. Here in Northern France, the signal was 3/12 LED with a SINPO of 35443. The operator announced his website at 21.30 UTC broadcasting several french songs. Good DX. B.L. 
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