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Messages - bfrederi

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Pretty steady S9 into Boston Burbs

2244 UTC Why Can't We Be Friends
2246 UTC Some kind of talk
2247 UTC Cisco Kid

Off the Air after We Gotta get out of This Place

{Thanks and good luck to the mods straightening out these 6925 threads. I hopped in near the end and I'm not sure what the 'ell I was listening to.}

Not much above the noise floor here. Can make out music, but can't ID anything.

S9+20 into N. suburban Boston. Steady signal with great audio.

0010 Mohammed's Radio; Warren Zevon

(Now a little QSB as I was typing this, but still a great signal.)

Just catching the tail end, with Stone Soul Picnic.

Awesome S9 signal into N. suburban Boston. You make USB sound good!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6960 USB 0100 UTC 04 Sep 2022
« on: September 04, 2022, 0133 UTC »
In Northern VT the USB signal was squashing Ballsmacker.

Just came back on at 0129. Not sure exactly what the  program is, but is strongly ball-centric. Someone is going BALListic.

Okay signal into Northern VT. Just using a portable with built in telescopic whip, but sounds good. Couldn't copy at all until Wolverine graciously moved to  6950.

0032 Free Your Mind, En Vogue
0036 Always on my Mind, Willie Nelson

Nice signal into northern VT.  Listening on a portable with just the built-in telescoping antenna and it sounds great.

0018 ID and switch to 6950, with a little more Mills Bros
0019 Sounds like Chuck Berry
0022 Hello Josephine
0024 Hard Hearted Hannah

Great programming. Thanks Wolverine.

Decent but not strong signal into Northern VT this evening. S6 maybe? Can't tell for sure 'cause I'm sitting outside in the dark with a wine, my wife, and a portable without an S meter, and I'm more interested in enjoying the programming than logging details. Thanks, Ballsmacker!

0151 UTC ID

0155 UTC Georgia

Steady S5 AM into Bostonburbia.

0113  ??, ??  Shazam and I are both stumped, but listenable...sort of a poor man's Gordon Lightfoot doing acid?

Beautiful S9+10 AM signal into Greater Boston Suburbia.

0100 UTC Holding Out for a Hero,  Bonnie Tyler
0106  Women is Losers, Big Brother & the Holding Company

    {Geeze, with Mix Radio Int. on 6870 at the same time, I need to hold up different radios to both ears.}
0152 UTC  Hold My Hand, Hootie & the Blowfish
      {Signal has diminished a bunch in the last hour...down to S3 - S7.}
0155 UTC  Hold On, Ian Gomm


Solid, clean S9 wide USB signal into the Boston 'burbs tonight. And the atmosphere is cooperating.

0054 UTC Midnight Hour, Wilson Pickett
0057 UTC ID
0057 The Ross, Diana Boss

Ooops, something's popping up on 6960...  [It's Ballsmacker. Commercial AM should be this good on a Friday night.]

0159  With a Child's Heart, Michael Jackson
      {Signal strength had been degrading for a while now. Now down to ~S3-S5.}

S6-S7 Decent signal into NW suburban Boston

0207 UTC Lithium, Nirvana
0208 UTC SSTV?
0209 UTC A second of this, a few seconds of that
0210 UTC Battery, Metalica
0215 UTC  Movie dialog?: Hi, hello, how are you
0216 UTC Godzilla, BOC
0219 UTC More SSTV?
0220 UTC More dialog
0222 UTC Won't Back Down, Tom Petty

0224 UTC More dialog, Stop whining, don't give me that crap
0225 UTC Mary Jane's Last Dance, Tom Petty

0229 UTC More dialog
0230 UTC Repeater, Fugazi
0234 UTC More dialog, Hi, Who are you
0235 UTC Female: The request lines are open

   [Okay, how 'bout some Zappa? Or Flo & Eddie?]

0236 UTC  Cha Cha Slide, DJ Casper
0239 UTC  More dialog

0239 UTC Joe's Garage, Zappa  <YES!>   ;D ;D ;D

0245 UTC More dialog, Sauerkraut yummy
                         Who is your daddy and what {tf} does he do?
0247 UTC Goodnight Sweetheart, The Spaniels (doing a great impression of Ruben & the Jets)  8)

0249  UTC Sign off  [Awesome show! Thanks for the music on demand!]

Enjoying the show; thanks!

S1 - S3 into NW Boston 'burbs tonight. Pretty much unreadable.

0225 UTC Some kind of music. I think.
0230 UTC Squeeky wheel tweedling fax.
0231 UTC Sign off?
0232 UTC No...some kind of signal there.
0233 UTC I dunno. Might be a Beethoven Concerto. Or maybe a polka.

S5 - S7 into NW Boston 'burbs tonight.

0210 UTC There's a Place, Beatles
0212 UTC Cry for a Shadow, Beatles
0214 UTC I Feel Fine, Beatles
0217 UTC How Do You Do It, Beatles, trying to sound like Herman's Hermits
0219 UTC Hello Little Girl
0220 UTC WTF Radio Worldwide ID

Interesting Beatles choices; thanks.

S2 - S4 into NW Boston 'burbs tonight.

0203 UTC Music resumes: Dance to It, Tut Tut Child (according to Shazam)
0206 UTC We Will Rock You, but it ain't Queen (part of Dance to It?)
0208 UTC More SSTV  (I gotta get a decoder)

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