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Topics - Ray Lalleu

on 6275.2
1650 pop beat, 1653 next, ID, 1656 next

on 6205.0
0604 music    0618 music, W voice, QRM: peskies? in D on 6201 USB 
(0731 gone)(1200 gone)
1615 pop-beat, 1619 W DJ, Laser Hot Hits International, music

on 5790.0
1608 pop-rock, DJ  1620 "Tainted love" in medley remix,
1627 United DJs Radio, Bobby Darin,
1630 DJ, '3-1-9' stamp, "Got to get you into my life"

1813 pop in F, W DJ in D and F (with F guest), in Playa de Aro ?, music
(1843 gone)

on 6280.4--
1012 extra weak, music    1026 "Old man down the road" ? then blues,
1029 pop, fading up slowly, 1039
1046 music, 1048

(1155 gone)

edit ID as Ghost Radio, thanks to FOX (see below)

on 6290.0--
1002 music, 1005 break, 1006 carrier is back, 1007 very low level music,
then very weak at 1014,
1025 ut.QRM      1030 trace   1039 music,
1042 W voice (in It ?) giving ID (no copy), bit of music, 1044 carrier,
1045 rock, 1048

(1155 gone)

on 6205.0
1711 music ... 1722 DJ, music   etc...   2030 still no ID heard

on 6288.0--
1818 Tina Turner "What's love...", 1819 unknown, 1823 unk.,
1824 JT IDing as Radio Clandestina Hollanda, songs in Indonesian ??
1857 some E.European rhythm, for a change
1900 same kind, and IDing as Johnny Tobacco, beaming to S. Pacific and Jakarta,
closing down now,
1902 schlager, 1905 off

on 6275.0++
1727 pop-beat

(1819 gone)

edit : ID thanks to FOX

on 6295.4--
1712 euro-pop
1728 music, het on 6297

(1816 gone, carrier on 6297 still there)

on 5790.0
1705 Beatles "Got to get you into my life",
 United DJs, Georgie Fame "Yeah yeah", 1710

(1841 gone)

on 5835.95
1702 music, noisy, a few storm crashes
1842 music, RTTY on 5838 and WMR on 5840
1920 same bad conditions, hard to hear, even in narrow LSB
1950 IDs+@ in a loop

on 6250.4--
1003 very weak, accordion and instrum. music, 1011 accordion

(1322 gone)

on 5140.0
0715 same story of music around year 1930, jazz

on 6305.05
0658 music, 0700 ID, "Mr Bluesky" by W singer

on 5780.0
2254 back on the air, W crooner, strong, 2255 ID, "Never fall in love again"