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Radio Latino & Cool AM blues special

During next week-end (Friday 5 and Saturday 6 June ) we invite you to listen  to Radio Latino Blues Special in combination with CoolAM, a 1 hour show produced by CoolAM Radio (Netherlands) and broadcast by Radio Latino (Italy), with really good blues music.

A special e-qsl card created for this event will be sent to all sending a listening report (please with sinpo and some details) at radiolatino@live.com. The show will be on air on Friday and/or Saturday evening/night on 7530 or 7590 khz or 7595 khz. To know exact time and frequency you can subscribe to our blog so you will receive an email everytime we are on air, with exact frequency.

The frequency will also be announced a few minutes before going on air, on  Iann’s chathttp://radiokiel.info/free-radio//pirates/chat.htm

All the best from Radio Latino and CoolAM Radio

Though denied by HAARP officials, some respected researchers allege that secret electromagnetic warfare capabilities of HAARP are designed to forward the US military’s stated goal of achieving full-spectrum dominance by the year 2020. Others go so far as to claim that HAARP can and has been used for weather modification, to cause earthquakes and tsunamis, to disrupt global communications systems, and more.

Major aspects of the program are kept secret for alleged reasons of “national security.” Yet there is no doubt that HAARP and electromagnetic weapons capable of being used in warfare do exist. According to the official HAARP website,

“HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.”

The ionosphere is the delicate upper layer of our atmosphere which ranges from about 30 miles (50 km) to 600 miles (1,000 km) above the surface of the Earth.

The HAARP website acknowledges that experiments are conducted which use electromagnetic frequencies to fire pulsed, directed energy beams in order to “temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere.”

Some scientists state that purposefully disturbing this sensitive layer could have major and even disastrous consequences. Concerned HAARP researchers like Dr. Michel Chossudovsky of the University of Ottawa and Alaska’s Dr. Nick Begich (son of a US Congressman) present evidence suggesting that these disturbances can even cause tsunamis and earthquakes.

Two key major media documentaries, one by Canada’s public broadcasting network CBC and the other by the History Channel, reveal the inner workings of HAARP in a most powerful way. The very well researched CBC documentary includes this key quote:

“It isn’t just conspiracy theorists who are concerned about HAARP. In January of 1999, the European Union called the project a global concern and passed a resolution calling for more information on its health and environmental risks. Despite those concerns, officials at HAARP insist the project is nothing more sinister than a radio science research facility.”

To view the European Union (EU) document which brings HAARP and similar electromagnetic weapons into question, click here. The actual wording at bullet point 24 in this telling document states that the EU “considers HAARP by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body before any further research and testing.” This reveling document further states that the EU regrets the repeated refusal of the U.S. government to send anyone to give evidence on HAARP.

To watch this engaging 15-minute CBC documentary online,

For an even more detailed and revealing 45-minute History Channel documentary "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU89s4fZlqo"
on HAARP and other secret weapons used for electromagnetic warfare, click here. Below are two quotes from the History Channel documentary:

“Electromagnetic weapons … pack an invisible wallop hundreds of times more powerful than the electrical current in a lightning bolt. One can blast enemy missiles out of the sky, another could be used to blind soldiers on the battlefield, still another to control an unruly crowd by burning the surface of their skin. If detonated over a large city, an electromagnetic weapon could destroy all electronics in seconds. They all use directed energy to create a powerful electromagnetic pulse.”

 “Directed energy is such a powerful technology it could be used to heat the ionosphere to turn weather into a weapon of war. Imagine using a flood to destroy a city or tornadoes to decimate an approaching army in the desert. The military has spent a huge amount of time on weather modification as a concept for battle environments. If an electromagnetic pulse went off over a city, basically all the electronic things in your home would wink and go out, and they would be permanently destroyed.”

For those who still doubt that such devastating secret weapons have been developed, here is an intriguing quote from an article in New Zealand’s leading newspaper, the New Zealand Herald:

 “Top-secret wartime experiments were conducted off the coast of Auckland to perfect a tidal wave bomb, declassified files reveal. United States defence chiefs said that if the project had been completed before the end of the war, it could have played a role as effective as that of the atom bomb. Details of the tsunami bomb, known as Project Seal, are contained in 53-year-old documents released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.”

If the military secretly developed a weapon which could cause a tsunami over half a century ago, what kind of advanced deadly weapons might be available now? And why is it that the general public still doesn’t know about secret weapons developed over 50 years ago?

To understand why the media isn’t covering these highly critical issues "http://www.wanttoknow.info/mediacover-up"
click here. Clearly the military has the capability to cause a tsunami and likely to cause earthquakes and hurricanes, as well. It’s time for us to take action to spread the word on this vital topic.

Having interpreted to for top generals in my work as a language interpreter with the US Department of State, I learned that military planners are always interested in developing the most devastating weapons possible. Yet these weapons are kept secret as long as possible, allegedly for reasons of national security. The many layers of intense secrecy both in the military and government result in very few people being aware of the gruesome capabilities for death and destruction that have been developed over the years. There are many examples of major defense projects kept successfully out of the public’s eyes for years and even decades.

The massive Manhattan Project (development of the first atomic bomb) is one such example. The building of an entire city to support the project in Oak Ridge, Tennessee was successfully kept secret even from the state’s governor. The stealth bomber was kept top secret for many years, and the public still has no way of knowing it’s full capabilities. It is through the use of the highly organized military and intelligence services that the power elite of our world, working in cooperation with key allies in government and corporate ownership of the media, are able to carry out major cover-ups and secret operations like those involved with HAARP.

Some researchers have raised questions about the possible involvement of HAARP in major disasters like the earthquake in Haiti, Indonesian tsunami, and hurricane Katrina. Could these have been HAARP experiments gone awry? Might they even have been caused by rogue elements which gained control of this devastating technology.

Of course disasters like this happen regularly on a natural basis, yet if you begin to research, there is some high strangeness around some of these disasters. The evidence is inconclusive, yet with the known and unknown major destructive capabilities of this weapon, serious questions remain.

Jesse Ventura, the former Navy Seal who turned pro wrestler only to then become governor of Minnesota, has also done a special on HAARP that is a bit sensationalized, yet contains useful information. You can watch this special on YouTube at this link "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJVw-EcENl4"

source: Global Research

For another excellent documentary on HAARP, which includes an extensive interview with Dr. Bernard Eastlund, watch “Holes in Heaven.”

Utility / Russian Naval Frequencies
« on: June 01, 2015, 2214 UTC »
Bellow is a list of the most active Russian Naval Frequencies. There is 578 known Naval frequencies listed by UDFX All modes are in CW

Frequency    Callsign   Location
3395.5   RCV   Sevastopol (simplex)
4079   RMP Kaliningrad (duplex)
4635   White Sea area calling Severodvinsk (duplex)
4376.5   White Sea area calling Severodvinsk (duplex)
5411   RCJ   Vladivostok (duplex)
8120   RAA   Navy HQ St. Petersburg (simplex)
8345   Ship night primary (duplex)
8348   Pacific Fleet ship primary (duplex)
11000   RIW   Moscow (duplex)
11155   RIT   Severomorsk (duplex)
12464   Ship day primary (duplex)
14556   RIW   Moscow (duplex)
19201   RCV   Sevastopol (weather/nav warnings)
The Russian Navy is divided in following sections:

The Northern Fleet (NF) – HQ at Severomorsk
The Baltic Fleet (BF) – HQ at Kaliningrad
The Black Sea Fleet (BSF) – HQ at Sevastopol
The Caspian Flotilla (CF) – HQ at Astrakhan
The Pacific Fleet (PF) – HQ at Vladivostok
HQ Callsigns:
Moscow = RIW
National Defence Control Centre, St. Petersburg = RAA
Severomorsk = RIT
Kaliningrad = RMP
Sevastopol = RCV
Astrakhan = RJD52
Vladivostok = RJS
ST. Petersburg naval station- RJC66
Moscow transmitter site used when RIW and RAA is off also used for land units- RJE56
Messages and monitoring:
The primary ship frequency 12464 kHz  is used from 0600 to 1800z and overnight at 8345 kHz from 1800 to 0600z
The Russians work in the majority using a duplex system with the HQ’s using their own frequencies to transmit on. While all of the HQ’s will have an operator listening out on the primary ship frequencies, the ships will be listening to their HQ frequency (or frequencies) only. Only  other listen frequecncy is allocoted by RIW incase if Moscow wants to contact them and send a flash message.
The Russian navy uses FM-14-SHIP code system format for messages also used by NOAA for Marine Surface Weather Observations. Here is the message example:
RKB91 (РКБ91) (callsign) Altay Class Tanker “Kola:”
RKB91 605 (message number) 16 (number of the groups in message) 22 (date)  1000(Moscow time)  605 (repeat of the message number) = SML  (message priority - SML samolet (aircraft) normal priority) FOR RJH45 RJD38 = (hydrographic station callsign)
22061 99572 10081 41598 43408 10004 40110 51024 70202
22252 00140 22012 = + RKB91

The callup message to establish contact with the naval base looks like this:
The ship's callsign can be tracked on the online naval databases and trackers.

Radio Spaceshuttle's summer frequency 13600 kHz FIRST TIME IN USE today from 19 to 20 hours UTC-time sunday 31st of May. …
This program including Spanish dance music extra for listeners pleasure. Also "Hobbart Radio Pirate News" with.
Really wishing that our signal can reach you without any interference or noise.

QSLs Received / Shortwave Ghost eQSL
« on: May 29, 2015, 0132 UTC »
Thank you very much Ghost for the very fast confirmation.
I greatly appreciate it.

Shortwave Broadcast / Radio Vanuatu Broadcast Update 05/26/2015
« on: May 26, 2015, 2213 UTC »
Radio Vanuatu operates its shortwave transmitter now only with 1.5 to 2 kW. This should prevented any blackouts, especially since the manufacturer of the transmitter is no longer business and it is unclear whether spare parts could still be purchased for repairs.

Currently Radio Vanuatu names the following operating times for the frequency 3945 kHz, 18:30 - 22:30 & 5.30 - 12.15 UTC (morning and evening local time), for the second shortwave frequency 7260 kHz,  21.30 - 6.30 UTC (day time).

(Source: Paul B. Walker; as of 05.26.2015)

This is some sad news,
The AM Euro Pirate Alpha Lima International deceased on 05/21
only being 46 years old.
Alpha Lima Int: lived in Hoogeveen, but was no longer active in the ether.
For years he was a very famous shortwave pirate.

Source: http://www.swcholland.com/index.php?n=326

Under the attached link you can find a short video from Alpha Lima.

2350 UTC, S2-S3, made out ID"Abu Dhabi".
Overall a pretty tough copy here.
Only bits a pieces of listenable audio.
0105 UTC, No Women No Cry S5 now

Thanks Abu Dhabi.Lets Hope the signal will get better as sun sets in the next 45 minutes here.

Radio Spacshuttle International will broadcast on May 16th 2015 on  6070 kHz via Rohrbach at 0330-0530 UTC.

Source: Radiopiraten on Twitter

Huh? / BB King, the King of Blues, dies at 89
« on: May 15, 2015, 1045 UTC »
The "King of the Blues", guitarist and singer BB King, has died aged 89.

King, known for his hits My Lucille, Sweet Little Angel and Rock Me Baby, died in his sleep in Las Vegas.

Born in Mississippi, King began performing in the 1940s, going on to influence a generation of musicians, and working with Eric Clapton and U2.

Once ranked as the third greatest guitarist of all time, he had been suffering ill health in recent months.

He was recently taken to hospital with a diabetes-related illness.

Full story :

From Radio Latino:

Dear DX’ers,                        
during next week-end we invite you to listen to Radio Latino and CoolAM Radio special combination , a 1 hour show produced by CoolAM Radio (Netherlands) and broadcasted by Radio Latino (Italy), with music from the golden ”free radio” era, the swinging 60’sA special e-qsl card created for this event will be sent to all sending a listening report (please with sinpo and some details).The show will be on air on friday and/or saturday and/or Sunday evening/night on 7530 or 7585 or 7590 khz. To know exact time and frequency you can subscribe to our blog so you will receive an email everytime we are on air, with exact frequency.The frequency will also be announced a few minutes before going on air, on Iann’s chathttp://radiokiel.info/free-radio//pirates/chat.htmAll the best from Radio Latino and CoolAM Radio.Are you the boss of a ”free” Radio Station? Send your report, one of you will be the lucky winner of a professional jingle for your station by CoolAM Production.http://coolam-productions.tk/

Source:  http://www.radiolatino.bigbig.com/

QSLs Received / Radio Merlin International eQSL
« on: May 12, 2015, 1300 UTC »
Thank you Paul for the conformation of my report.
This is greatly appreciated.

Shortwave Broadcast / VOA to increase broadcasts to Burundi
« on: May 12, 2015, 1252 UTC »
Mauno Ritola shared the following message on the WRTH Facebook page this morning:

VOA Boosts Broadcasts to Burundi as Civilians Flee Political Violence

Monday through Friday:

0400-0530: 7350 kHz, 9815 kHz, 11905 kHz

1600-1630: 13630 kHz, 15460 kHz, 17530 kHz

1930-2000: 9470kHz, 11615 kHz, 12140 kHz

Mauno also notes that the late evening frequencies are incorrect in the following VOA news release:

(Source: VOA News)

Voice of America today began boosting broadcasts to Burundi where at least 14 people have been and killed and more than 200 injured in protests against President Pierre Nkurunziza running for a third term.

VOA has additional shortwave and FM broadcasts in Kirundi, Kinyarwanda, Kiswahili, French, and English with an expanded call-in show, more reporting from the ground, and new drive-time newscasts.

“At this critical moment for democracy in Burundi, we are stepping up to keep our audiences informed, “ says VOA Director David Ensor. “Voters deserve to know what is going on with presidential elections just one month away.”

The African Union and the United States say the Nkurunziza candidacy violates a regional peace deal that ended civil war in 2005. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says the president’s move “flies directly in the face of the constitution of his country.”

President Nkurunziza says he is exempt from the two-term limit because his first term was chosen by parliament.

VOA is one of the last remaining sources of news in Burundi after authorities blocked access to social media, closed Radio Publique Africane, and suspended relay transmissions for two other independently owned stations — Bonesha FM and Isanganiro.

The Committee to Protect Journalists condemns this harassment and says the Nkurunziza government is “blatantly trying to gag” coverage of its opponents.

VOA is adding reporters in Burundi and Rwanda along with additional staff in Washington D.C., where its U.S. government-funded transmissions originate.

Daily broadcasts air on 95.2 FM and 94.9 FM in Bujumbura and on 104.3 FM in Kigali.

There are new VOA shortwave broadcasts from 04:00 to 05:30 UTC and from 19:30 to 20:00 UTC on 7350 kHz, 9815 kHz, and 11905 kHz; and from 16:00 to 16:30 UTC on 13630 kHz, 15460 kHz, and 17530 kHz.

“With thousands of Burundians fleeing to neighboring Rwanda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo, VOA is committed to providing accurate and reliable news to this critical region,” says Ensor.

2301 UTC, weak music and the distinctive voice of Abu from Dhabi coming thru the noise and static crashes.
Signal is around S3.

Thanks Abu for making it across the pond this evening.

General Radio Discussion / NHK's 80th Anniversary
« on: May 06, 2015, 1447 UTC »
Japan's international broadcast will mark its 80th milestone this year. It started as a short wave broadcast in Japanese and English on June 1, 1935. It has continued until today with the exception of a six-year-period after the war when broadcast was suspended. It resumed broadcast on February 1, 1952.

Currently NHK World Radio Japan is available in 18 languages including Japanese and English. There has also been a diversification in the ways it is broadcasted. In addition to the conventional short wave, it can be heard on FM and satellite radio. It is also available on PCs and mobile terminals. In 1995 international TV broadcast started, and Internet services have become popular since the start of the 21st century. News about society and economics, as well as a range of information on culture is being sent daily from Japan to the world.

In 2015, we have planned many special programs to celebrate the 80 years since international broadcasting was started. We hope you will look forward to listening to these programs.

More information can be found on the special 80th anniversary website.


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