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Topics - LanceLovejoy

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North American Shortwave Pirate / Piano Concerto on 6925u
« on: March 14, 2010, 2010 UTC »
On at 20:00z is pretty piano music I am not cultured enough to identify.  S7 in StL.  Nice change of pace for this freqency.  Off at 20:55z.  No station ID ever heard.  Was briefly interfered with here by another unidentified station at approx 20:30 playing folk music.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Radio Ga-Ga 6930u
« on: March 07, 2010, 2335 UTC »
Found mid-showwith strong sig at 23:30, playing Radio  Ga-GA theme song. 
Off at 23:37z.  No SSTV today! :'(

North American Shortwave Pirate / "Up Against the Wall Radio" ?
« on: March 07, 2010, 2307 UTC »
At about 22:50z caught the last several minutes of "Up Against the Wall Radio," at 6925U, not 100% about that ID as signal was only fair here.  Was playing some music and info about Timothy Leary before went off the air at 23:00z.  Sounded cool while I caught it.

Utility / Continental 87 Heading North over Greenland.
« on: March 07, 2010, 2154 UTC »
At 21:30z on 11387usb caught the HFDL sig from COA87 at position 78.27N, 56.23W, in the northern reaches of Greenland, closing in on the Arctic Ocean on the way from Newark to Shang-Hai.  At that latitude is the farthest North I have ever caught an HFDL signal from my StL locale.  Ah the amusements of the high frequencies!

North American Shortwave Pirate / OuthouseRadio 6925u
« on: February 28, 2010, 1918 UTC »
     Outhouse Radio  is "Taking Care of Business" with booming signal into StL at 19:16.  Nother great show! 

North American Shortwave Pirate / ALE on 6925?? The Nerve!
« on: February 15, 2010, 0220 UTC »
Has anyone else noticed the ALE on 6925u today?  That takes some nerve if you asked me!  Anyway finally got a docode at 02:15 of "this is AA6."  which is not an ALE identifyer I have come across before.  Anyone have any ideas who may be usurping this treasured frequncy from the pirates? 

North American Shortwave Pirate / Outhouse Radio
« on: February 14, 2010, 2228 UTC »
On at approx 22:15 on 6925u with blistering signal and entertaining eclectic mix of cool music.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Outhouse Radio 6925u
« on: January 24, 2010, 1909 UTC »
On at 19:04z with ID and lauching into Hendrix "All ALong the Watchtower." Nice  S6-S8 into St. Louis.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Pirates Week Radio 6925u
« on: January 24, 2010, 1901 UTC »
Found at 18:40z.  Moderately strong signal with some fades, great recap of recent pirate broadcasts!

Utility / The "Foxtrot Word" found in EAM tonight
« on: January 24, 2010, 0509 UTC »
At 04:44z a 150 characrter EAM from "homeowner" heard on 4724u contained the sequence "Foxtrot, Uniform, Charlie, Kilo"  Either someone in encryption has a good sense of humor or some Al Quida base is royally F***ed this evening!

Utility / Simultanious EAMs on 11175u
« on: January 23, 2010, 2312 UTC »
At 22:40z, an EAM of 123 characters from "Bookstore", shortly into the message the same EAM began to be broadcast on another UNID station, the two simultanious, out of synch recitations made for difficult copy.  The same EAM was broadcast later at 23:00 from Andrews, this time without interference.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Gumby Radio
« on: January 23, 2010, 2232 UTC »
At 22:15z on 6925u, blistering signal from a show all about Gumby coming in loud and clear in St. Louis, an entertaining  tribute to Gumby, apparently due to death of Art Cloakey this week, creator of Gumby.  Great show!

Utility / 5732u, USCG HC arriving Haiti
« on: January 19, 2010, 0441 UTC »
At 04:28z: USCG HC 1708 to CAMSLANT, reporting will be arriving Haiti 12:40 local time.

General Radio Discussion / Monitoring Times Going Downhill???
« on: December 19, 2009, 2035 UTC »
Got a hold of the new issue of the MT and low and behold (as announced actualy in the last issue) , George Zeller's excellent monthly column on Pirate Broadcasts (The Outer Limits) is no longer a part of the magazine. >:(  Considering that they have also inexplicably gotten rid of Glen Hauser's always excellent Global Forum column, I have to say that  the MT is changing for the worse.  Considering that the Pirates are one of the more interesting, unpredictable and thriving parts of the HF picture it's hard to understand the direction the MT is going and I fear it is becoming less relevent to dedicated HF monitors.  If not fot the Stegman and Van Horn (and much of that info is available elsewehere) columns I'd probably drop the thing all together. 

Spy Numbers / Presumed M08 at 5810khz
« on: December 06, 2009, 0612 UTC »
Cut Numbers in the usual 5 digit groups, presumed M8, found in progress at 06:10z.  Strong signal into StL.  Off at 06:10, entire signal  including carrier gone, then back about 1 min later.  Power problems in Havana perhaps?

Off at 06:34z
What's interesting are the repeated strings just before breaks, before the more random strings continue:

"NWGUA NWGUA NWDUA NWGUA ===" in tonights example.

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