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Topics - Swede P

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I am listening to Radio Veronica at this very minute. It seems like a legitimate channel. It carries what appears to be rather customary commercial advertising and it has a website.

What I want to know is why the website lists all of its FM frequencies, but makes no mention of 5955 kHz! Any reason? I can't imagine that it is a licensed station on FM but has a foray into radio piracy on shortwave.

General Radio Discussion / Where did fmscan.org go?
« on: December 07, 2021, 0041 UTC »
Many of you will be familiar with the fmscan.org webpage. It was a great application that allowed you to enter geographical and other details and to find radio stations of all kinds, as well as propagation characteristics and the likelihood of hearing such stations from anywhere in the world.

Now I just get 404 when I go to that page. Anyone here know what's going on?

Someone is playing the final broadcast from 18 October 1970 of Radio CAE (Canadian Army Europe) now on 18 October 2020 - exactly 50 years later. Anyone know who is up to this. It must be some kind of tribute. It is synchronised perfectly, i.e., the time checks from 50 years ago are in synch with the actual clock now. Pretty neat.

The announcer keeps reiterating that this is the last broadcast ever.

White Giant now on MW.
1635 kHz. Sunday 23 Feb 2020 at 21:24 UTC.
Heard via SDR Twente.

Greetings from Berlin

(post split and subject edited by moderator Ray)

General Radio Discussion / New Year's Eve 2016 - What's On Tonight?
« on: December 31, 2016, 1636 UTC »
New Year's Eve is a traditional heyday for the pirate radio scene. Any particular broadcasts we can expect tonight, especially on this side of the puddle?

Spy Numbers / Marion's Attic numbers transmissions
« on: March 31, 2013, 1124 UTC »
Are Marion Webster's obvious number transmissions to Baron von Knight valid for inclusion in this section? ;)

North American Shortwave Pirate / Laser Hot Hits
« on: December 21, 2011, 1908 UTC »
Laser Hot Hits on 4015kHz for the past several nights at UTC0100 and beyond. Fading in and out using only my portable Realistic DX-380 with telescoping antenna. Presumably, it comes in much better for those with more sophisticated equipment here in Europe.

Excellent production. Does not seem like a pirate station.

I would especially interested in knowing if any of you fellows on the other side of the pond ever happen to receive Laser Hot Hits.

Equipment / Using the Earth as an Antenna
« on: November 04, 2011, 2004 UTC »
Perhaps many have heard of this concept and already know it to be bunk, but I have run into a suggestion that instead of putting an antenna in the air, that one should use the earth itself as an antenna. The claim is that using the earth itself works better as the earth is more conductive. So instead of connect the earth to the GND terminal, it should be connected directly to the ANT terminal.

I can't help but to think that if this would really work then I would see it everywhere, but I don't see it anywhere. Still curiosity will get the better of me and I will experiment unless one of you fellows has tried it already or otherwise knows about it and can tell me if there is any truth to this theory.

Seeing that I live in a block of flats, I really want this to be true. Still, I have to face the reality.

FM Free Radio / Isn't it rather easy to get caught?
« on: October 27, 2011, 1920 UTC »
Given the way FM in the 88-108 Mhz band propagates, wouldn't it be very easy for the radio authorities to zero in on an FM pirate?
At least a SW pirate's signal has bounced off the ionosphere in a number of directions and takes time to find.

If I were to go FM, I would pre-record my programme and save it on a sort of mp3 player connected to a tiny FM transmitter. Given that line of sight is a vital part of FM broadcasting, I would then attach the transmitter-mp3 player set up onto a weather balloon.

Of course, I can defer to those of you more expert in the field to comment on how practical that would be.

Perhaps some of you know whether there has ever been a statistical survey of the kind of people that listen to shortwave radio in general and to pirates in particular. As an avid listener since my teens, I am painfully aware of how unaware the major part of the population (at least in any country I have lived in) is about shortwave radio altogether. Americans seem to be more savvy than most in this regard, while, at the opposite end of the scale, in some countries, such as my own, the radio culture is generally very poor and people are in the dark.

What I have noticed, however, is that among those who are into shortwave, they tend to be more individualistic and freedom-oriented types as compared to the rest of the population. Since I also count myself among that group, it would be easy for me to romanticise that we shortwave types are generally to my own way of thinking. Perhaps, I am only flattering myself...or maybe not.

Listening to WBCQ and other US shortwave stations, much of the content is either religious or else it is of a rather patriotic and/or libertarian slant and I am wondering if that is indicative of the SW listening public generally.

It would also be interesting to see if the personal interests, habits, hobbies etc of shortwave listeners differ from those of the public at large. On SW there are some programmes dealing with science, music history and sometimes some rather arcane topics which I do not hear often on mainstream media. Conversely, except for on the major international broadcasters, it is rare for me to hear programmes dealing with professional spectator sports, for instance.

Already, I can sense subjective a divide between myself and non-SW listeners. There are few places where I could make an allusion to Brother Stair or Harald Camping, or for that matter Timtron, and be understood. I am the only one I know who is a regular listener to Marion's Attic, and even in normal conversation, my base of life experience makes for completely different set of metaphors. For instance, I was speaking with a friend last week about how China is developing economically and I said "It is easy to listen to China Drive and be enamoured with that country, but in reality they still have a long way to go." He had no idea what I meant by "China Drive".

I guess there is something romantic in the idea of the SW radio culture being somewhat separate from the mainstream. I wonder if this phenomenon has been studied to any great extent. Furthermore, if the sort of moral, philosophical and political messages heard on SW are a case of breaking the mold or preaching to the choir.

Shortwave Broadcast / Hilltop and a telescoping antenna
« on: October 18, 2011, 1014 UTC »
Last night at local 1 am (2300UTC) on top of a hill in Central Sweden with a simple Realistic DX-380 and nothing more than the telescoping antenna.

Usually, down in the valley reception of stations from North America is iffy at best using nothing more than the attached antenna. It was amazing what a difference climbing the hill made. I received WBCQ and heard Ramsey's Roadhouse on 7415. There was some interference from an adjacent channel but physically rotating the receiver allowed me to zero in on the intended channel.

A few minutes later on 9480 I could hear WTWW and Scriptures for America (no comment on the content of that programme).

I know this is not in the form of a proper reception report, but I was pretty excited and I will see if I could put up a long-wire antenna in the trees up there and set up a reliable connection with North America.

DXing in itself is fascinating, but when listening for content, European radio and other state-run broadcasters heard in Sweden leave a lot to be desired. I love WBCQ and get a kick out of the other US broadcasters. They are the whole reason to have shortwave in my opinion.

General Radio Discussion / What does [non] mean?
« on: October 17, 2011, 1918 UTC »
I have been listening to Glenn Hauser for some time on WBCQ. At the beginning of the programme, he lists the countries whose broadcasts are to be discussed. Often he will say "non" right after the name of a particular country.

It seems like a small little detail, but it has been bothering me that I cannot make any sense of it. I am certain one of you out there knows.

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