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Messages - Oliver

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A very fine article from Andrew Yoder. Well written.

Thanks for sharing J.P.

S9+ with typical static of the evening.

0311 UTC, ID "X-FM "
0316 UTC, email "xfmshortwave@gmail.com
0318 UTC, Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Blue on Black
0323 UTC, Metric - Gold Guns Girls
0327 UTC, ID Jingle and into Calvin Harris - Pray to God (sounding good)
0332 UTC, shout outs to HFU members, and reading logs,Thanks RH 😉
0336 UTC, Van Halen - Hot for Teacher
0340 UTC, X-FM to the Power of X jingel
0341 UTC, Foals - Inhaler
0345 UTC, ID
0348 UTC, Checking numerous chats and blogs for listeners
0350 UTC, Talking over our friends from the FCC 😝
0351 UTC, Picking up on the SC shooting
0352 UTC, Self-defense rights and it's history
0354 UTC, email given by Redhat into Avid Dancer - I want to see you Dance
Time to kick back and Enjoy the show.....

0501 UTC, Redhat 's computer went to sleep
0504 UTC, The Black Keys - Weight of Love
0511 UTC, Death Cab for Cutie - Black Sun
0516 UTC, Geographer - I'm Ready
0520 UTC, Lykke Li - Little Bit
0525 UTC, Washed Out - Armor Fati

Got to call it a night.Busy Sunday ahead of me....

I would be great if someone could upload and post a recording of this show.Thanks in advance.

Good to hear you after a longer break.
Since you asked for song requests, I would like to hear Kavinsky - Nightcall.

Thanks for the show RH.

Around S6-S7, with static and strong fades.
The reception on 6950 was a little stronger and clearer.

0220 UTC, ID "XLR8 "
0230 UTC, ID "XLR8 "

Thanks for the second show this evening XLR8.

S3 with QRM and fading.
0108 UTC, Music is audiobale but static makes it a tough copy.

Thanks for the show Insane Radio.

Lots of storm noise on this frequency. S3-S4 at best.
0039 UTC, able to make out music but no chance to ID any of it.

Thanks WPIG to make it into my logbook this evening.

This is more then a bummer to loose Paul with RMI on 48m.
It is always a bad thing if some idiot compromises a TX site.

Let's hope he's going to be back one of these days.
Hang in there Paul,time will work for you.

S7+ with very good audio, some static noise

0011UTC, ID "XLR8 "
0012 UTC, Beat Happening - Indian Summer
0014 UTC, another spelled ID
0014 UTC, The Prodigy - The Baby Got a Temper

Thanks for the show XLR8.

Dear listeners,
Radio Spaceshuttle's Midsummer fest on 6070 kHz Saturday 20th June 03-05 UTC and continuing 22-24 UTC. We shall play traditional Finnish Midsummer music for your fun dear listeners.

Eli Juhannusmusiikkia tarjolla 4 tuntia 20.6. 6070 kHz!

We shall have transmission also on 13600 kHz 21st of June 19-20 UTC!

I wish you will have fun with our programs also in future! Please tell you thoughts to us by e-mail: spaceshuttleradio@yhaoo.com.

Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!

Quick response and communication is possible by e-mail: spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com

Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle
Please note, that we have gathered all reports in here for "One-time" posting after this transmission Season January to end of June. So printed QSLs will be send after that (and e-mail QSLs as well)

Prizes for winners of our contest will be posted same time- For 3 most reports sent persons and to 3 winners picked By Madame Fortune. With prizes there are for example Radio Spaceshuttle T-shirts, Caps, pens, stickers, magnetics, strange music-cds, etc....

Despite the storms and static noise audiobale with S6-S7.

On quiet evenings like these is even OTR a enrichment.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Short Break
« on: June 18, 2015, 1638 UTC »
It looks more like Daenerys Targaryen.

S5-S6 ,Audio is just slightly above the noise floor and fading in and out.

0048 UTC, unid Metal Song
0104 UTC, System of a Down - Bounce (Signal now S8)
0105 UTC, System of a Down - Darts
0108 UTC, System of a Down - Know
0111 UTC, System of a Down - Mr.Jack

0112 UTC, Starts changing songs by the second.I guess some can't deceide on what to play.😣

0117 UTC, Signal is pretty solid now with S8+ and some fades.
0119 UTC, Scorpions - This is my song
0123 UTC, Queen - Bicycle Race

0126 UTC, Time to leave this DJ and his inconcluviness.

Thanks for the show and Metal tunes.
Wish you would have played them all to the end and provided a ID.

Did catch the end of the show with S7-S9.

0159 UTC, Fast spoken ID"XLR8 "
0200 UTC, s/off

Many thanks to, Stephen Cooper, who has confirmed the frequencies that will be used for the 2015 BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast on June 21 at 21:30 UTC.

Stephen received confirmation of the following frequencies directly from the BBC World Service:

5985 kHz, 9590 kHz & 5905 kHz

Evidently, these were the frequencies chosen from the following that were tested:

7,425 kHz, Ascension, 207 degrees5,985 kHz, Woofferton, 184 degrees9,590 kHz, Woofferton, 182 degrees5,905 kHz, Dhabayya, 203 degrees

I think it’s safe to assume that the same antenna paths will be used from the tests. I had hoped an Ascension Island frequency would have made the cut as it’s typically the frequency I hear best here in eastern North America. Of course, the selections were made based on actual test reception in the various parts of Antarctica where the team is located.

QSLs Received / Radio Anthony Poland eqsl
« on: June 16, 2015, 1528 UTC »
Thank you very much for the confirmation.

Other / Re: UNID 6900 AM 2335 UTC 15 Jun 2015
« on: June 15, 2015, 2355 UTC »
2354 UTC, very tough copy at S3-S4 , talking is barley above the noise here.Best in USB.
Signal direction on the loop SE/NW.

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