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Messages - hammarhead

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North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6925U Rave On Radio
« on: February 18, 2012, 2324 UTC »
S7 into Ohio - ID at 23:23 UTC "Broadcasting from a studio in the woods" three seperate times

-  The payroll tax exemption would be extended through the end of this year, providing a worker earning $50,000 annually with $1,000 more in take-home pay over that time. The bill would also prevent a reimbursement cut for doctors who accept Medicare - so how are we paying these folks?

- Roughly $1.75 billion will be available for the F.C.C. to compensate television stations that volunteer to give up their spot on the spectrum. The F.C.C., with some restrictions, can also move some stations around on the broadcast spectrum, allowing it to put together packages of contiguous bands of spectrum. Those would be more valuable than scattered pieces and thus should raise more money at auction. - And yet someone elso getting something out of this - again, how are we paying these folks?

- Another $7 billion of auction proceeds will be used to build the public safety network on a block of spectrum that, had it been sold, might have raised another $2.75 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office’s evaluation of the bill. - More money to spend, the auction kitty should be getting pretty low by now.

- “With 13 million Americans still seeking employment, job creation is a driving force behind efforts to expand wireless broadband,”   - Really??? How many of these 13 milion are getting new jobs? And exactly what are these new jobs to be created, how much do they pay, and how many tax dollars will it cost to train these new people?

- Representative Fred Upton of Michigan, chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, and Representative Greg Walden of Oregon, who leads a communications subcommittee, said in a joint statement that the bill would be “an economic game-changer.” - And yet another grand campaign slogan "economic game-changer" Got to love it! Yes I'm sure things will be all better once the auction is over. When will anyone get it - 1.build a factory 2. produce a quality product at a competitive price 3. pay a competitive wage so your employees can buy what they and others produce 4. sell the product. I thought Henry Ford covered all this in "Economics 101" about 100 years ago?

General Radio Discussion / Re: Unusual propagation today?
« on: February 17, 2012, 1606 UTC »
Whatever the reason I wish it would stop. Bands have been low in general lately and it just plain sucks!!! At least it isn't snowing.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Big Boobs Radio 6925
« on: February 13, 2012, 0007 UTC »
Big Boobs Radio 6925 AM S8 to S9 signal into Ohio. Audio a bit distorted.Songs about Big Boobs, ID at 00:07

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6925 AM
« on: February 12, 2012, 1600 UTC »
UNID station on 6925 just at or slightly above noise level. I can hear music, but thats about it.

 - sounds like an ELO song playing
 - almost totally gone here at 16:05 UTC

Greenfroggy - it just sounds so much better over the old Hammarlund. They were really made for AM!!!!

Booming into Ohio with "Never Break the Chain" by Fleetwood Mac. S9 +20 signal strength at present

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: radio gaga
« on: February 11, 2012, 2255 UTC »
Good selection of music tonight GaGa. Your S6 - S7 into Ohio tonight. Thanks for the show!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6925U unID
« on: February 11, 2012, 1318 UTC »
Playing a series of Blues songs. Decent signal into Ohio, about S5 with some fading. No ID as of yet
- ID as Rave On Radio at 13:20 UTC. Thanks for the interesting show Rave On Radio!

Another big signal tonight S9+10 into Ohio ID at 23:37 UTC

- Signal took a big dive at 23:50 UTC can only barely hear them anymore

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: WMPR 6955 2300z 05-Feb-2012
« on: February 05, 2012, 2328 UTC »
S9 +10 into Ohio with peaks at +20. Gone at 23:36 UTC

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: MAC Shortwave 6925 AM 1803 UTC
« on: February 05, 2012, 1848 UTC »
S9 signal for the most part into Ohio. Appaers to be having some technical difficulties today. Thanks for the show, nice mix of music!

S9 +10  into Ohio with Clarinet music from Ultraman!

- Gone at 22:20 UTC. Thanks Ultraman

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Rave On Radio 6925 USB 2314 UTC
« on: January 29, 2012, 2319 UTC »
Someone is having problems on 6925 USB tonight - signal in and out ID at 23:16 UTC as Rave On Radio. SINPO 34443
- Signal is getting much weaker as program continues here
- Please QSL Rave On Radio!

S9 to +10 with little fading in Ohio!

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