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Messages - Billy the Mountain

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
The RF Workbench / Specs on the venerable RS 270-030A?
« on: January 26, 2016, 1931 UTC »
Anyone have something close to reasonable specifications on this old part?  Yes, yes, doing a little experimenting, and something like this might come in handy!

I see Mouser has something that isn't too expensive at about $5 a crack:  553-CMT908-V2.

I could hand wind my own, too, but like to spend more time actually testing rather than winding, dontcha know.


QSLs Received / Re: XFM QSLs
« on: January 06, 2013, 0623 UTC »
I, too, received one for the 7 Oct. broadcast.

Nicely done, and thanks, Redhat!

Equipment / Re: BOGs: Some questions for those who use them
« on: December 19, 2012, 2301 UTC »
FWIW an avid contester I've met in my travels with 10+ acres of room to spare has about 5 of these in different directions.  He uses them on 160M for receive, and has them rigged so he can reverse them with some sort of relay arrangement.  He uses 450 ohm ladder line and has them suspended about 4 feet above ground.  I think he said most of them are around 500-800' in length.


That sounds like a standard Beveridge antenna, rather than a Beveridge-On-Ground.  Just sayin'.

General Radio Discussion / Re: What are you doing Dec21?
« on: December 19, 2012, 1649 UTC »
Operation an end of the world station, in conjunction with N0D.

After 0000Z 21 December 2012, it won't matter, as we will all be frickaseed.

General Radio Discussion / Re: North Korea Satellite Launch
« on: December 15, 2012, 1825 UTC »
2-line ElSets are out there.

Check <heavens-above.com> and <n2yo.com>.

Its NORAD number is 39026, IIRC.

General Radio Discussion / Re: just my opinion
« on: December 15, 2012, 1820 UTC »
Bitchin' Camar---

I could use it to scan peoples' brains at work!

General Radio Discussion / Re: when mellowing out...
« on: December 10, 2012, 1937 UTC »
Radio Habana Cuba for the music, and, of course

Dr. Benway

for the message.

1358 Girl from Impanema
1403 Stan Getz with Girl from Impanema
1408 ID "Radio Ronin Shortwave"

General Radio Discussion / Re: Above Sea Level
« on: November 28, 2012, 1808 UTC »
How far above sea level are you ? According to wiki.answers.dot.com, I am: 823 feet (250.85 metres) and 251 metres (823 feet and 5.89 inches) London, Ontario.

Sitting or standing?

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Channel Z 6925AM *1357 24Nov12
« on: November 24, 2012, 1436 UTC »
Channel Z ID at 1430, talking about how the Euro DX'ers just want the QSL cards, and how Andy will be back on the air soon.

Into MX at 1434, sounds like the Ramones

Via SDR located in 8-land somewhere. (  N8MDP  )(located in OH, actually)

No signal whatsoever here in STL.

Jim Carrol band at 1455 and off at 1500

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6935.9 DSB 0330 UTC 13 Nov
« on: November 14, 2012, 0124 UTC »
Whatever it is, it's the "world service".   The Radio Free B-- -- seems like a two-syllable word at the very end of the broadcast.  I did pick out "place your head firmly between your knees, and kiss your --- goodbye,"  I think.  At least I've convinced myself that's what it sounds like.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6935.9 DSB 0330 UTC 13 Nov
« on: November 13, 2012, 1503 UTC »
I can't turn the volume up enough at my desk (at work) to make out the voice, but the music sounds like The Specials.

Equipment / Re: To balun or not to balun?
« on: November 12, 2012, 1417 UTC »
Hey Billy, you seen Studebaker Hawk? That guy owes me money.

He could be a narc or a lady Marine!

On the antenna thing,I like a random wire tuner for listening and the "Matchbox" types for transmitting.

Equipment / Re: To balun or not to balun?
« on: November 06, 2012, 1435 UTC »
Keep in mind  that *where* you place a transformer (balun/unun) makes a difference.  For example, a transformer at the aerial feed point really won't have much effect on common mode stuff picked up by your feed line.

Also, it introduces loss. 

So, your aerial might be quieter because of losses.  Without taking any comparative measurements with signals of known strength and looking at the numbers, you don't know for sure.

I'm not an anti-transformer kind of person.  I do think, however, that a lot of $$ gets spent on things that folks ascribe magical properties to (in all facets of radio, which is weird, because it should be a scientific kind of endeavor).

My main point is that an antenna tuner will give you frequency flexibility (on both transmit and receive) that a plain transformer will not.

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