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Messages - RCCI

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 00:04 spoof on the Honeymooner's TV show , Signal S8
00:05 off?

01:15 heard crisp, clear XLR8 ID during music Instrumental of Black is Black  - Solid S7+ signal
01:21 new song - signal now a steady S8 - Very Nice audio....

00:48 tuned into music - sounded a bit like Betty Boop
00:51 different clips with Radio ID's Solid S7 signal - audio a bit muffled

03:14 UTC hearing 50's music S8 signal
03:20 song Little Red Riding Hood.- Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs
03:23 SSTV

01:50 just tuned into music - Very nice S9+ signal0
1:52 Solid ID - taking music requests
Could you play : Red Skies by the Fixx? Thanks....!

02:06 song The Fixx - Red Skies  Thanks for the "real" version! Mr. Dickweed!
03:07 ID, Shoutouts and Sign Off - Very nice tonight

Thanks for the Show DW!

01:47 just barely hearing above the noise level S4-5

01:37 Beatles song.... I Feel Fine Nice S10 signal

00:05 Mariachi music..pretty cool S6 signal
00:08 Clear ID - the OP sounds vaguely familiar, with the long drawn out M    A    Y    O  ;D   (RFW?)

23:27 hearing presumed ID  - Static here is crushing the audio...really having to slice the audio filter thin :D hearing some music after ID
23:35 presumed ID then signal lost or off

01:54 just tuned in. Rock music Solid S9+ signal with very good audio!
02:06 solid ID

03:16 heard end of music now talk (British?) Canned speech interspersed with music. S6 signal, pretty good audio
03:23 about a 3 minute pause - now into a rock techno music
03:28 more music after another 3 minute pause, music stopped 03:31
03:33 into more music after 2 minute pause
03:37 no ID heard as yet -
03:39 Clear ID XLR8 - then into music ....  signal moving up a bit
03:47 pause in beginning of song, another very brief high voiced ID (phonetic)
03:54 audio problems with song - intermitted cutting out....
03:55 2 canned ID's then into more music
03:57 new song ....punk rock
04:06 another XLR8 ID
04:20 into music has the jazz sound with predominate trumpet like Miles Davis on steroids ;D
04:28 3 clear ID's two regular, one phonetic

Thanks for the Show XLR8!

02:17 hearing music S7-8 signal - pretty good audio.... would also assume LR
02:27 LR ID

Thanks for the Show!

02:02 tuned into their music , w / techno beat. About S7-8 signal into Illinois
02:04 clear canned ID
03:16 lost signal or off

01:10 Just barely hearing signal above the S8 QRN here... bits and pieces of music, that's it.

0138 Solid S8 signal into Illinois with great audio! Bustin through the static big time!
01:41 Jefferson Airplane -Volunteers
01:44 ID with reminder of May 4th..-- Irony.... I was a senior in high school from Michigan and was bicycling through Ohio during that time. Pretty tense, me with long hair and others who accompanied me! Didn't read paper or watch TV during trip and found out about Kent State when we got back. Surreal....
01:53 Bob Dylan Times They Are a Changing (Great tune!)
02:03 song Four Dead in - "OHIO" - - memories are really kicking in now.....

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