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Messages - Sealord

Pages: 1 ... 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 [150] 151 152 153 154 155
Spy Numbers / Re: Logs 02/16 - 02/20
« on: February 22, 2010, 1952 UTC »
Thanks scagnettie2.0 :)  Here are some of my other XPA logs from last week....it's tx sched. is mostly Tue. & Thur. UTC.  I use scheduling software with my receiver to catch these guys in the middle of the night & then edit down the audio files later.

10327khz 0700z-0702z 02/16
11620khz 0720z-0722z 02/16
13427khz 0740z-0742z 02/16

8123khz 1900z-1904z 02/16

5891khz 2100z-2103z 02/16
5268khz 2120z-2123z 02/16
4572khz 2140z-2143z 02/16

11620khz 0720z-0724z 02/19
13427khz 0740z-0744z 02/19

5891khz 2100z-2103z 02/19
5268khz 2120z-2123z 02/19
4572khz 2140z-2143z 02/19

Spy Numbers / Re: Logs 02/16 - 02/20
« on: February 21, 2010, 1008 UTC »
It's a multitone station the Russians use along with their voice & morse spy stations.  If you run the audio through any MFSK-20 decoder it will give you the 5 figure groups.  The thinking behind this mode is that the recipient has equipment that is set to 'come on' when the XPA tx begins, hence the 'A' part of the name for automated.

Spy Numbers / Logs 02/16 - 02/20
« on: February 21, 2010, 0455 UTC »
E11 4409khz 0605z 02/16 [517/00 ...]
Audio: http://www.yousendit.com/download/RmNEMWZKY3lQb0pFQlE9PQ

S11a 6887khz 0855z-0858z 02/16 [484/00 ...]
Audio: https://www.yousendit.com/download/RmNEMWZDTk1LVlZjR0E9PQ

S06s 9950khz 1210z-1215z 02/18 [425 869 7 ... 00000]
Audio: https://www.yousendit.com/download/RmNEMWZFNXZCSnF4dnc9PQ

XPA 10327khz 0700z-0704z 02/19 [364 1 00931 0025 55401 ... 50726]
Audio/Spectragram/message: https://www.yousendit.com/download/RmNEMWZLV3JGOFJjR0E9PQ

E06 5846khz 0130z-0139z 02/20 [759 608 31 ... 00000]
Audio: https://www.yousendit.com/download/RmNEMWZLV3JFd2V4dnc9PQ

Spy Numbers / Re: S11a 6877khz 0855z-0858z
« on: February 13, 2010, 0327 UTC »
It's slavic/russian language similar to the S06 stations.  The 8's sound like 'walkin' or 'wochem' to me which is listed as 'vosem'.  The 4's were harder to pick out with this one as opposed to S06's 'chety're' which sounds like 'shateria' to my ears.  This station is similar to E11's use of 'oblique', but uses 'cherta' instead just before the two nuls.

Spy Numbers / S11a 6877khz 0855z-0858z
« on: February 11, 2010, 0112 UTC »
Another member of the 'Strich' family...

S11a 6877khz 0855z-0858z 02-09-10
484 / 00

Audio: https://www.yousendit.com/download/S1VBT0Nha0R3TGgzZUE9PQ

First catch for this one!

Spy Numbers / E11 5409khz 0535z-0543z
« on: January 26, 2010, 2352 UTC »
From the 'Strich' family:

E11 5409khz 05:35z-05:43z 01-26-10
"..636 oblique 32....attention 22949 12651....78917 out.."

Audio: https://www.yousendit.com/download/S1VDb3BCZEtvQnZIRGc9PQ

My first catch for this one!

General Radio Discussion / Re: Numbers-where to start
« on: January 05, 2010, 0258 UTC »
The latest Enigma newsletter has a pretty good prediction schedule & past logs for tracking stations:


E10 on 6840 & 6986 is pretty active in the evenings along with the Cubans around 8009 & 8135 (23:00z slot), of course these could change at a moments notice.

Spy Numbers / Re: The week in spies
« on: December 27, 2009, 1553 UTC »
Thanks scagnettie2.0 :)

I forgot to add this one the other day...

E25a 9450 1230z-1233z 12-20-09 (Egyptian intelligence I believe)

This one is just audible under the Family Radio relay out of Russia.

Audio: https://www.yousendit.com/download/MVNkanZuTkFvQnZIRGc9PQ

Spy Numbers / The week in spies
« on: December 25, 2009, 0356 UTC »
E07a 5864 2100z-2102z 12-23-09
"..815 000.." Good reception

E07a 5164 2120z-2122z 12-23-09
"..815 000.." Good signal level, but het from nearby station

Audio for both broadcasts:


M08-V02a-SK01 12120 05:00z-05:04z 12-22-09
When the receiver switch to 12120 for the SK01 slot, M08 was already going at
it. At 05:02z M08 stopped and V02z came on: "..dos dos dos dos dos dos....dos
dos dos.." and finally at 05:03z SK01 began. All of this over RTTY.

SK01 12120 05:00z 12-23-09
Good signal
Audio(05:07z wav)/56635518.txt:

SK01-M08 11435 1700z-1759z 12-23-09
Similar to the 12120/05:00z slot, SK01 ended and a small bit of M08 began 'TTAA
Audio(M08 & SK01 wav)/37654243.txt:


S06 10635 1310z-1315z 12-21-09
831 906 5  Decent signal

S06 9750 0900z-0905z 12-24-09
167 283 5  Great signal

S06 10580 0910z-0915z 12-24-09
Good signal, repeat tx

S06 10580 1010z-1015z 12-24-09
895 213 6  Great signal

Audio for all 4 broadcasts:


XPA 8147 0700z-0706z 12-22-09
111 2 00474 00055 20872 Decent signal
Audio/image/message: https://www.yousendit.com/download/VGlmeW4vcGtwTVYzZUE9PQ

XPA 4968 2122z 12-22-09
494 1 00999 00039 87223 Decent signal
Audio/image/message: https://www.yousendit.com/download/VGlmeW56TStsMHlGa1E9PQ

Merry Christmas all!


Spy Numbers / E17z 9820 0807z-0815z 12-17-09
« on: December 17, 2009, 1237 UTC »
E17z 9820 0807z-0815z 12-17-09; more Russian family action

"..674...674...674.." ending with "..0..0..0..0..0"

Thought I had originally missed the tx when I went to he 08:00z spot on my
recording & didn't hear anything. There was a single first call at 08:07z & then
almost 3mins. later started up again. Had some co-channel interference from a BC
station, but decent copy throughout.

Audio(full tx): https://www.yousendit.com/download/MVNkZ28rZ2o5eFZMWEE9PQ

Spy Numbers / Re: XPA 8147 07:00z-07:07z
« on: December 17, 2009, 0120 UTC »
Hi 4405486 :)

I didn't have to go through each tone for the decode; I just run the audio through the MFSK-20 option on my decoder and it does the rest.  I just have to get the center frequency right for it to work properly (~900 Hz).  The spectrgram image just helps ID the tones for singling out and seeing if it matches up with the current Enigma designation facts.

Ya, I dig these bizarre modes!

Spy Numbers / XPA 10147 07:20z & 8164 19:00z
« on: December 15, 2009, 1258 UTC »
XPA 10147 0720z-0724z 12-15-09

...111 1 07810 00177 88244...

Audio(full tx)/Spectragram image/full message: https://www.yousendit.com/download/MVNlcXlpVnNlcEpMWEE9PQ

XPA 8164 1900z-1904z 12-15-09

This one was much weaker and couldn't get an accurate decode, but did make out the beginning ..1 138 138 138 1..

Audio(full tx)/Spectrogram image: https://www.yousendit.com/download/MVNkZFhwQk5laFJMWEE9PQ

Spy Numbers / S06 10635 13:10z & 6835 21:15z
« on: December 14, 2009, 2230 UTC »
More from the Russian family - both of these are new catches for me:

S06 10635 13:10z-1315z 12-14-09

Female voice

Decent signal level here in Florida.

Audio(full tx): https://www.yousendit.com/download/MVNlSkhXSytUWURIRGc9PQ

Also tried the 7436 frequency @ 16:00z, but no luck.

S06 6835 21:15z-21:19z 12-14-09

Male voice ...632..632..632..null..null.null...

Signal more in the noise at this time/freq. slot, but still audible

Audio(full tx): https://www.yousendit.com/download/MVNjY05qVEhWRDhLSkE9PQ

HF Beacons / UNID Beacon (?) 5446.7 LSB 07:00z
« on: December 13, 2009, 0736 UTC »
Heard this in between AFN on 5446.5 USB & the meteo service on 5450 USB.  Could hear the tone underneath the female's voice on 5450 & switched to LSB to get better copy.  When I checked back @ 07:26z it was gone or faded out?  I know AFN is on  5446.5, but they were doing their program while I was hearing this little guy and had to tune up slightly to avoid overlap.  Didn't see this listed anywhere when I ran a search unless I overlooked something :)

Audio(06:58z-07:01z): https://www.yousendit.com/download/MVNma3ZEaysyWGRMWEE9PQ

Spy Numbers / Re: XPA 8147 07:00z-07:07z
« on: December 12, 2009, 0243 UTC »
XPA 8147 0700z-0704z 12-11-09

Audio (full tx): https://rcpt.yousendit.com/789416102/aedfd6260460cb81165bb80427ba6fee

Was able to use the MFSK-20 mode on my wavecom to get message body ...111 1 00632 00233 86771 83525 23081...

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