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Messages - Ray Lalleu

on 6210.0
0834 fading in, some rock or R&R, noisy, 0838     etc...  1030 music

(1106 gone)

on 6875.1
0830 DJ in It, pop
0924 non stop pops, 0958    etc  1122

(1331 gone)

on 6922.0+
0827 D song     1004 D pop    etc    1122     
1332 extra weak, disturbed by pescadores on 6920 USB, some music on best time, 1339

(1431 no signal)

on 5860.0
0822 recording of R.London          0918 DJ in D, Bob Dylan "Like a rolling stone"
1000 3-1-9 chime ID, pop     etc  1137 music

on 5825.0
1403 rock, R.Mi Amigo Int. from offshore, soon R.Caroline, pop, 1408

on 5140.0
0816 retro music    etc   1137 big band jazz, 1139 ID

on 6280.0+          (remember the test at 1740)
2130 music (fair on one antenna, not the other one), 2144 short fade
(edit : from the previous transmissions, likely to stay on the air till 24 UTC or later)
2152 next record
2327 music, 2330 next, some alternative jazz again, 2332 blank, 2333 OFF

on 6275.8-
2011 accordion, song in G, 2017 accordion song, fade at noise level, 2020
even the trace lost by 2025

edit : sorry for the typo, it was on 6275.8-  (not 6277.8 )
edit : ID from the recording thanks to KaySeeks

on 5140.0
1955 movie music, 1956 jazz big band, 1959 Hollywood legend, 2000 W singer in Sp.?
2003 ID, 2005 Hollywood
2038 movies, music, IDs, 2058

on 5780.0
1704 music            1736 "You're my world"
1942 strong, Louis Armstrong, 1945 more jazz, 1951 some fading, 1952 ID
2127 fading out here

on 1635.0+
1836 talking, "Mickey mouse polka", 1837 (just missed the ID), talking about 75mb
(ID from BrainRandy)
1840 song and talking, songs cut short, 1842 ID
1935 talking, music, strong stanag noise

on 6264.0  bit of drifting around
1807 extra weak, music, down to a trace
1821 weak, pop, 1825 short ID???, blank?, 1827 extra weak, music
1829 pop-rock (known tune)
edit : ID thanks to RainBrandy (see below)

on 6875.1
1749 FB3? or same mood, DJ in It, Led Zeppelin "Kashmir",
1754 DJ: WKBE??, "Owner of a lonely heart", 1758 DJ, Radio Europe, ciao ciao, pop
1803 news in It about the coronavirus pandemic, 1805

on 6280.0+
1740 very weak, music, then fading out , 1745

on 5825.0
1723 pop, 1725 rock, 1734 ID Radio Three-One-Nine, music

on 5895.0
1706 soul, 1707 jingle ID, very noisy and only heard in LSB mode, then lost under tbe noise ,
1710 talking (QRM?), 1711 music "Alleluyah", pops heard on LSB, 1722

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