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Messages - ka1iic

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Huh? / Re: Tear down Stonehenge!
« on: June 27, 2016, 1805 UTC »
Thus begs the question:

Is Pigment really Doctor Who....?

Stay tuned to the BBC for episode 10,421 and still remain confused...!


28188.55khz 1609UTC 06-27-2016

It appears to be a continuous broadcast with no real breaks... I have a gut feeling it's an harmonic (sub-??) or a mixing product ...  Anyone Please :-)

Here is 10 minutes worth.


Huh? / Re: Ralph Stanley dies.......
« on: June 26, 2016, 1747 UTC »
Oh man!  One of the best banjo pickers in the world...

RIP Ralph you will be greatly missed.

And an important PSA for all:

VD is nothing to clap about.


PS, VD & HIV/AIDS & IV drug use is a big problem here in Ohio too, so it isn't just a problem in 3rd world Countries folks.


Hey ka1iic: "Hey Joe smoke pot?" was the most I heard... but this was '77 & I had just re-entered the Navy after being out for 5 years, & what a messed-up directionless 5er that was. You know, not once did someone say "Hey Joe, you want rubber?" Not that I would of put one of those on in any case.  :o

Well the new President is going against the Church over there and is promoting birth-control and he has recommended a family have no more than 3 children.  This guy is really going to give it a try to break up the foolishness and corruption, he has told certain persons in high government to resign quietly or he will tell the world who the corrupt persons are.

As for Maryjane, that isn't the real problem anymore, it's the harder stuff that the Chinese are bringing in... It's China's effort to weaken the people so they won't get so upset with the new Chinese Air base in the Spratly Islands.  They kinda sorta took a rock and built an island out of it with a full blown air strip that can handle the biggest war planes China has to offer. 

There will be wars and rumors of wars <sigh>

Many Filipinos were upset that the current President Pnoy just didn't try...  He had the name of a National hero but no belly for the fight.  Sad really...

I hope to get over there but I have so much crap I have to get in place before I leave...  Anyway I will get there, hope the dollar goes back up over 47 peso per $$ then things will look a whole lot better. 

You do Not want to catch the Clap in the P. I., trust me on that!  :o


The Clap is the least of ones worries in the P.I.!   These days folks that mess around are playing Russian roulette with a nasty version of HIV/AIDS.  Eventho the working girls are medically checked (yeah right) every month it's showing up in the 'puki casas' over there and not everything that looks like a woman is... if you get my drift.

And you talk about drugs...  Shabu is the candy of the people but there will be a new President sworn in at the end of this month and the drug raids are going 2 to 3 (on the news) every day.  The drug kingpins have already put a bounty on the new Presidents head because the President has put a bounty on the drug kingpins heads... dead or alive... gotta love it...

People are surrendering by the hundreds to get help with their drug habits.

Many of the Cities have put in place curfews for under aged children and no drinking in public for adults...  Oh yeah... adult males can't run around without shirts.... 

I digress from here...

No shirts for guys.... makes me miss Maine in a way... in Maine women can go topless if they like because there is no law against it...  There was a law once but it was struck down because of the equal rights for women movement...  problem is none of the local ladies will do that because it tends to be a bit chilly...  ::)  You guys should check out Old Orchard Beach during the heat of the summer...  look but never touch... OK!   ;D

OK... I checked the riff on that tune today... I didn't have anything better to do really.

It's nothing special...  back when I was at University I heard first year music students doing better stuff as practice material...  I'm not kidding folks...  And NO I wasn't a music major. These guys and gals were excellent and a damned sight better than this dirty crap we have been fed for the past... Oh... say... 60 or 70 years...

Since then look at todays music... pure Bovine Scat with pig poo on the top, hell you can't even use it for fertilizer it's so bad...  GD this and GD than gonna slap de hell out of my st-pid ho ho ho. with electric drums and stinky poo samples...  gheeessss!  And 'Lady gag' is just the worse... and all of those other half a**ed no talent people that have sold their souls for the all mighty $$$.  These people don't do anything... it's the producers that are screwing everything up... Hell even the 'engineers' can't remaster an old LP properly...

Is it any wonder I stopped listening to 'modern' music?....

Ok... seriously...  time to listen to some Count Basie...  Yeah... that's where I'm really at in case anyone wonders.  ...but why would they...?

The thing that p's me off is I might never live to see the next solar Max... not that he last one was much to talk about.... grrrrrrr  damn the Sun...

General Radio Discussion / Re: Second moon discovered.......
« on: June 20, 2016, 1956 UTC »
Oh Boy!!!!  I've got something else to howl at yea!!!!!

Now if I could only see the thing.... <sigh>

along with a bunch of O scopes doing this or that

I hope one of them was displaying a sine wave, the classic cliche image from sci-fi flicks!

Oh yeah Sine wave and what's the name of that other one lojisidous (sp) never could spell that one... and one connected to the crystal microphone > Oscope was effective too...

A Lady newsperson from a local TV station called my shack "Frankenstein's Den" and they actually rolled video of the mess... <heh>  Thinking back on it... I could have made one hell of a 'flimflam' man  Haaaaaa!!!!

Led Zeppelin???  Huh?

More like Dead Tampon!

Come on... now everyone is gonna fight over riffs...?  If there was one person in this world that had/has listen to every song ever written he/she would hear something that has been done before.

It's like writing a novel... damn it everything worth hearing has been done before... except for Frank Zappa...  ie: "Brown Shoes Don't Make It" and DEVO ie: "I Saw My Girl Getting Sloppy"

Pretty soon they'll be fighting over rhythm guitar progressions...  Lets' figure out who/whom wrote the original 12 bar blues rhythm...  think about it...  Let's see maybe even a fight over the chord progression E-A-B... or E=F#-A-B etc etc

mean while I'll go back to listening to Richard Cheese...

I had a Loran system set up in my shack in Maine... visitors would look at it an wonder what in the hell it was... Spooky...<heh>  along with a bunch of O scopes doing this or that... quite fun really.

Don't laugh... back then I knew where I was most of the time <heh>

HEY!  I figured it out...  they are messing with the GPS so the aircraft won't head into a certain territory...  Why do you ask?  Because they are bringing in a new collection of those Unidentified Flying Cupcakes!

I'm on to their tricks... you can't fool this old buzzard... not one bit...  brrrrrrrrr...  Mabel bring me some more of those milk and cookies...

Damn the cupcakes... sail on sailor, sail on

Ooooooo too much Sun... need a lay down.... THUD!!! <ooooophhh> "@#(*&$^%@%^^^$$" it!

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