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Messages - Stretchyman

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The RF Workbench / Re: Redhat's LULU build attempt
« on: January 19, 2023, 0728 UTC »
Yep, tuned with a scope. There's a pdf of class E on the net somewhere and shows a whole page of  'half sine' traces indicating what state the tuning is in. Max power and max eff never meet alas.

Btw parasitic capacitance from the PCB will be minimal but the devices C will have a strong influence.

You can use LTSpice (free) to simulate and get good accurate results.

Seeing as most electronics is designed this way (sim-build) then it would be good to show if you have time.

Good work BTW.


The RF Workbench / Re: Redhat's LULU build attempt
« on: January 13, 2023, 1816 UTC »
Comments added!

Nice job btw, keep going! Took me a few attempts and that was at 2MHz before I progressed to 7.


I used that design as a starting point but ended up just using a single balun on the o/p.

As I'm learning ADS I'll simulate the thing at some point but as it's already working at 93% efficiency I don't see too much to be gained.

I'm interested in any other design that leads to simplification and an increase in efficiency so please post up.

I'm happy to design PCBs and fit the fiddly bits if anyone is interested.


Equipment / Re: first land based SW Antenna?
« on: December 14, 2022, 1853 UTC »
No noise at sea and the best groundplane ever!


I'm fine upto 15 MHz so far but then devices with a Qg of 2.2nC aren't exactly difficult to drive. Also I'm comparatively QRP in comparison!


Thanks RH. I need to adjust my layout to accommodate a higher Q shunt tank inductor as the current one is the only thing getting warm!

Ok I looked at the peak drain V and noticed it wasn't as high as class E but still, as you say I can see the need for the higher voltage parts so will stick with them.

Single SOIC driver easily drives 3 and would drive 5 devices.

I've taken the little beast to my local university where they'll give it their critique. Will be fun for them I think and make a change from LMBA & Doherty at 40+GHz! There's some learned folk there, one quite well know in amplifier design circles. Hopefully they can help me improve it further.

Oh, just to add, I've never seen the need for any duty cycle adjustment and rather crudely just use a dual inverter at the input, inverting once to drive one driver, then inverting again to drive the other. Using a sine wave at the input adjusting it's level from 3V to 5V give a 40-47% adjustment.

The CMCD design I was given used duty cycle adjustment and I don't see any measurable difference between that more complex design and mine.


Just finished my latest build and sure I'll post up schematic but it's just the same ol' design with more modern devices.

Re soldering them down, piece of cake with a £30 hot air pencil from CH, simpler than soldering and cheaper than a decent iron, it's a technique that's simple to learn and just like we're not hand wiring valve bases anymore it's time to move forward and embrace modern technology, unlike regurgitating the same old designs, plenty of those around, eh!

I'm no spring chicken and knocking on the door of 60, sure I use a X4 magnifier that I hold in my eye socket and enables me to see whilst roasting the little buggers onto the PCB.

BTW I use 650V devices, 3 a side, maybe I'll try the 100V devices at some point.

Just a proof of concept BTW and no intention of selling anything, however I'd be happy to give some PCBs away with SMT parts fitted) so folk could have a play thermselves.

Heat wise, so far I've run the design at 40V and generating 140W @ 91% eff. After 1/2 hr the devices are 45-48C, no fan either, utterly amazing.

The cooling solution is rather simplistic (on purpose) and rather than having a milled slot to access and solder the heatsink to the underside of the devices, I've just used 8 vias under each fet to joint the top and bottom layes and use a 2mm thick copper strip bolted to the underside that then attaches to the heatsink. Crude but effective.

To generate 100W carrier (400W pep) is will need a 70V supply (35V carrier).

The new devices are fantastic and cheap too!




I've gone ALL GaN now.

Latest devices from GaN Systems in leadless packages, cheap and very easy to drive.

With a Qg of 2nC a single driver can drive 3 devices.

I've decided to use CMCD as it seems to be the simplest and most efficient for a single band design, >90% on a good day. Push pull with 6 devices gives 100W wi 30V@3A7.

Watch this space!  (Actually it will be another thread!!)


The RF Workbench / Re: Stretchyman 40 W TX Reliability Modifications
« on: October 08, 2022, 0840 UTC »
I'd actually agree with Mr Surf here. Not using a PCB these days is just plain dumb, so cheap to get made and not exactly difficult to design. Those crappy old FETs they harp on about when these SiC and GaN around ffs.

Most folks on there are afraid of change however one ham sent me a design he'd being working on and the O/P devices are from GaN Systems. Very easy to drive and a 100W design would fit in the palm of your hand.

Yes Albert please post up any details you would like to share.

I bringing out a 60W all in one design soon.

The RF Workbench / Re: relay substitute
« on: September 09, 2022, 0721 UTC »
Yes, I'm concerned the author is under the impression the circuit will offer any meaningful function.
The first radio circuit I ever made was a spark gap transmitter, that worked very well and transmitted on every frequency!


Amateur Radio / Re: Equipment Recommendations?
« on: September 09, 2022, 0714 UTC »
Yes Liz has passed and ol' Big Ears has the throne. I think he should secede and pass it on to the younger generation. Don't think he will however as he's been waiting a while...

Radio wise yes the venerable valve things are still available.

We would like to know what was chosen?


Long live the King!

The RF Workbench / Re: relay substitute
« on: September 08, 2022, 1302 UTC »
What do you intend to do with the transmitter?

Oh, it doesn't look much if a fireball at all.
I guess it is tongue in cheek!

I don't get it?

Turn an oscillator on and off?

Is that it??


Amateur Radio / Re: Equipment Recommendations?
« on: September 08, 2022, 1225 UTC »
I could say the same to you my friend.

Good to see you back with the happy family!!

Amateur Radio / Re: Equipment Recommendations?
« on: September 07, 2022, 2018 UTC »
Nearly a year on....

What did you decide on I wonder?


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