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Messages - Josh

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AAR ongoing on 291.900MHz 1514Z 22MAY18.
PEACH 88 and unid presumed HAPPY 61 tanker doing aar.There are two tankers and their partners in the track.

61; Back four
PEACH 88; Moving back.

61; Up four.
61; Forward four.
61; 61 disconnect!

61; 88 we're clear to do another 45 minutes.
PEACH 88; great thanks.

meaning the ac in question is likely a E-8 J-STARS .

61's 59-1444 tail number resolves to a KC-135R tanker, made in 1959.


"It's better than any pot smokin or beer drinkin you ever done"

Looked at it again and it's FM-Hell possibly, knew I'd heard something similar before. 122.5baud, 230Hz shift. Hell modes mess with automated mode classifiers (used when first looking at the signal) so it doubled the baud, but I knew I'd heard the pilot tone and burst before. No idea what the message is but here's a screencap of the output;
The light and dark backgrounds are from me trying different offsets.


Utility / Re: 3.139MHz USB Japanese chat
« on: May 21, 2018, 1617 UTC »
Don't let signal strengths fool you. If propa is working out well for them they could be in home waters and 60 over at your location. In early ww2, the fcc rid was alerted to a strong Japanese signal from some army signal corps unit in California as saying there must be a spy on the mainland or a nearby warship for that strong of a signal, turned out to be the naval hq station in Tokyo.

The fcc rid built a listening post in Hawaii in the crater of a "extinct" volcano. Reason why is US gov officials wanted to know what the Japanese gov was telling its citizens in their home radio bcasts, so fcc rid laid out a beverage in that crater. Tokyo on mediumwave came in like a local at almost any time they wanted to tune in, that salt water from Tokyo bay to Hawaii makes for a great groundplane. They recorded the bcasts on wax cylinders and 78rpm records and then flew them on to Washington DC. And now you know!

Wow that's nasty. Also, doubt if they notice much, I called in one time to let them know they were playing two different shows on the same freq and it took several minutes for them to bother to get up and fix the feed.

Might want to watch out fer the crawdads during your creek ablutions.

Equipment / Re: Good CB radio?
« on: May 20, 2018, 1705 UTC »
Unless you want an "export" rig, I'd try for an older cobra 148 (or its siblings, the Washingtons and Grants and the rest of the off brands using the exact same board), speaks ssb and has very good performance overall. At that price range you may find a Uniden 2510, great rig but wider ssb filtering.

I can picture pigmeat running around the neighborhood naked in the hurricane rains as his repressed hillbilly upbringing breaks loose.

General Radio Discussion / Re: A Tale of Two R390A's
« on: May 19, 2018, 1731 UTC »
Radio is a terrible addiction.

^^^^ Fixed that for ya.



As I placed the tubes back in the if deck I also made sure to employ tube shields that had the beryllium finger stock thingy inside to transfer more heat. This is a pain since not every tube shield i run across in my stock of parts has the insert, making the shield a tube cooker rather than a tube shield. Some tubes, such as rf amps, mixers, and most of the if deck need shields so they don't rfi themselves, others are fine without them and will run almost as cool without a shield as with the best tube shields (known as ierc tube shields). So I'm closer to having an almost completely restored R390A/URR, but know eventually those ierc tube shields will have to be sought out, purchased, and installed. One addiction leads to another.

A word to the wise; if your tube shields (supposing you have tube gear, perhaps not even radio related) aren't of the ierc variety where an insert or the shield itself doesn't make physical contact with the tube wall, you can expect very short tube life as the shields concentrate the heat and reflect it back into the tube. The only thing better than a naked tube is a tube with a ierc shield, far as tube life goes.

Here's some data on the oh so very important tube shields;

Here's what they look like;
(I'm not affiliated in any way with the above businesses)

I think I'll try some blueing or at least a freaking black sharpie on the non - ierc tube shields I do have and use the infra red thermometer on them for some before and fater testing.

Also, if you do run older tube gear, most of them were designed for 115v ac mains and you can upset them a bit by feeding them straight house current wich today is around 125v in some places. A bucking transformer or variac can be used to reduce the line voltage to what the gear was designed to see, increasing rube life and probably extending the life of the transformer.

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: DPRK 11710 KHz
« on: May 19, 2018, 1705 UTC »
I don't think the fbi would bother you over a request for a qsl card, but it will get more data added to your "file".

Also, I expect anything from that part of the world to respond best with a vertical or other low angle of radiation antenna, so perhaps a horizontal dipole or horizontal loop isn't the best for long path work. You know, if you're using that kinda dipole or loop.

Lol, may the deity of propagations be with him.

Also, most of the mil waveforms are known to radio hobbyists who follow such.

I can't see them being kinder to him this time around he gets popped. Also, who does he suppose his audience is? Is he targeting pirate radio enthusiasts? No one else, relatively speaking, can hear him.

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