Rob Sherwood knows his way around a good receiver. He keeps the rx performance list updated, all of us can profit from perusing said list; those who don't grasp the details of the rx list you might click where it says (Terms Explained: DOC PDF) and get educated. He also has multiple utube vids on the subject that are worth the time. rx boxes are listed, not just transceivers.
For a long time Hilberling held the top spot, then yazoo came out with the 101D and blew everyone away and it's still on top. In the end, if your rx hears what you want that's all one needs right? That said, understanding what goes on in a given rx box is of some interest to radionerds so I say learn all you can about them and what is state of the art today.
Also interesting Icom is selling so many 7300s, I think their other big seller was the 706 series. Wonder how many R75s they sold, they ran from 1999 to 2015 or thereabouts. I note the R71 has 62dB close dynamic range, while the R75 has 67dB, much better, something I figured would be opposite, with narrow spaced dynamic range being the holy grail of the sherweng testing.