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Messages - ka1iic

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Huh? / Re: (Opinion) Socialism is not scary
« on: February 26, 2016, 1715 UTC »
It really makes no difference what form of government one chooses, what does make the difference is that if the form of government that is chosen is 'fair' to all their people. But most tend to stay with the government that they 'feel' most comfortable with.

"Fair to all their people"? Considering the diversity of individuals, on both sides of the coin, perhaps that is a bit fanciful at best.  A bit impossible really and knowing men and women as they are, an ideal that will never happen.

Everyone, to some degree or less, is corrupt and that goes even more so for those that seek power in government.  They do what they do to enrich themselves, nothing more and nothing less.  To most 'enrich' means to gain money or possessions but not always. To some to be rich is to have a higher standing than others in a community or Country such as a moralist, activist etc.  Higher standing could be considered a form of discrimination. Hmmm.

Motive!  Motive equals control and control means turning your life over to another or the, "Let George Do It" effect, I am too busy to be bothered, call it what you might, it is your blood that will be running, literally and/or figuratively speaking.

Politics is nothing more than conducting the same experiment over and over again expecting to see a different outcome.  The variables never really change now do they?

A very great thinker said something like that once, I paraphrased it a bit, please excuse me.  But using that same logic leads me to believe that politics equals insanity.  Therefore following a 'Party Line' also equals insanity.

Please do not take offense to anything I have placed forward in this short document.

Have  wonderful day all!


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, that is the name of the game.


February 17, 2016 | By Jeremy Malcolm
Sneaky Change to the TPP Drastically Extends Criminal Penalties

When the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was first released in November last year, it included provisions dictating the kinds of penalties that should be available in cases of copyright infringement. Amongst those provisions, the following footnote allowed countries some flexibility in applying criminal procedures and penalties to cases of willful copyright infringement on a commercial scale:

    With regard to copyright and related rights piracy provided for under paragraph 1, a Party may limit application of this paragraph to the cases in which there is an impact on the right holder’s ability to exploit the work, performance or phonogram in the market.

Following the footnote back to its source, it is apparent that the reference to limiting “the application of this paragraph” is to a more specific list of criminal procedures and penalties that the parties are required to make available in such cases. Paraphrased, these are:

    sentences of imprisonment as well as deterrent-level monetary fines;
    higher penalties in more serious circumstances, such as threats to public health or safety;
    seizure of suspected infringing items, the materials and implements used to produce them, and documentary evidence relating to them;
    the release of those items, materials, implements and evidence for use in civil proceedings;
    forfeiture or destruction of those items, materials and implements;
    forfeiture of any assets (such as money) derived from the infringement; and
    the ability for officials to take legal action against the alleged infringer on their own initiative, without requiring a complaint from the rights holder (this is called “ex officio action”).

As of the date of writing, the text excerpted at the top of this page is still the version of the text found on the United States Trade Representative (USTR) website. However on January 26, a slightly different version was uploaded to the website of the official host of the agreement, New Zealand. This version provides:

    With regard to copyright and related rights piracy provided for under paragraph 1, a Party may limit application of this subparagraph to the cases in which there is an impact on the right holder’s ability to exploit the work, performance or phonogram in the market.

Spot the difference? No? Let's try again:

    With regard to copyright and related rights piracy provided for under paragraph 1, a Party may limit application of this subparagraph to the cases in which there is an impact on the right holder’s ability to exploit the work, performance or phonogram in the market.

What does this surreptitious change from “paragraph” to “subparagraph” mean? Well, in its original form the provision exempted a country from making available any of the criminal procedures and penalties listed above, except in circumstances where there was an impact on the copyright holder's ability to exploit their work in the market.

In its revised form, the only criminal provision that a country is exempted from applying in those circumstances is the one to which the footnote is attached—namely, the ex officio action provision. Which means, under this amendment, all of the other criminal procedures and penalties must be available even if the infringement has absolutely no impact on the right holder's ability to exploit their work in the market. The only enforcement provision that countries have the flexibility to withhold in such cases is the authority of state officials to take legal action into their own hands.

Sneaky, huh?

This is a very significant change. Let's look at an example of how it might work. Take a website that shares multilingual subtitle files for movies. Although a technical copyright infringement, there are many legitimate uses for these files; for example, they allow you to lawfully purchase a foreign movie that isn't available in your own country, and then to add subtitles to view the film in your own language. The sale of such subtitle files is as good an example as any of a niche service that copyright owners have never bothered to commercially fill, and probably never will, particularly for less commonly spoken languages.

Under the TPP's original terms, a country could limit the exposure of the owner of such a website to prison time, or to the seizure and possible destruction of their server, on the grounds that by definition their infringement didn't cause any lost sales to the copyright owner. (Note that they would be liable for civil damages to the copyright owner in any case.)

Although a country still has the option to limit criminal penalties to “commercial scale” infringements (which is so broadly defined that it could catch even a non-profit subtitles website), the new language compels TPP signatories to make these penalties available even where those infringements cause absolutely no impact on the copyright holder's ability to profit from the work. This is a massive extension of the provision's already expansive scope.
A Devious Move

How could this happen, when the TPP had supposedly already been finalized when the original text was released in November? The answer is that the original text had not been “legally scrubbed.” The legal scrubbing process, which was ongoing from November until the re-release of the text last month, was meant to be a process in which lawyers, trade ministry staff, and translators, go over the deal word-by-word, to ensure that it is legally consistent and free of unintended errors or loopholes.

It is most certainly not an opportunity for the negotiators to make any substantive changes to the text. Since the change highlighted above is unarguably a substantive change, the only basis for the change to be made during legal scrubbing would be if it were an error. But is it an error?

We don't know for sure—though EFF has contacted the USTR for clarification, and we will update this post if we receive an answer. But logically, the original text doesn't seem to have been an error, because there seems to be no rational basis why countries should be allowed to limit the availability of ex officio action, but not to similarly limit the availability of the other criminal remedies.

Think about it. What sense is there in sending someone to jail for an infringement that causes no harm to the copyright holder, whether they complain about it or not? And why should it matter that the copyright holder complains about something that didn't affect them anyway? Surely, if the copyright holder suffers no harm, then a country ought to be able to suspend the whole gamut of criminal procedures and penalties, not only the availability of ex officio action.

This is no error—or if it is, then the parties were only in error in agreeing to a proposal that was complete nonsense to begin with. But most likely, this is an underhanded attempt to renegotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership before its ink is even dry. In an agreement that was an undemocratic power grab from the outset, this devious move marks the lowest point to which the negotiators have yet sunk. It gives us all even more reason, as if any were needed, to demand that our representatives refuse to ratify this dreadful agreement.

Huh? / Re: Gravitational Waves Detected by LIGO
« on: February 18, 2016, 0454 UTC »
The waves... the waves... they have got me...  gravy ain't wavy... hell-ip  get me out of this... sys...tem... the matrix has got me... matrix.... gahhhhh

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: There seems to be a station on 6915KHZ
« on: February 18, 2016, 0352 UTC »
TNX Rafman... No one seemed to be interested in this one but I don't know why.. thank you for replying to this OK?

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: There seems to be a station on 6915KHZ
« on: February 18, 2016, 0252 UTC »
If you don't believe this station is real here is my recording of it:


Just because certain stations in the Netherlands doesn't hear this station  doesn't mean it isn't there:


This will be my last post....

Shortwave Broadcast / There seems to be a station on 6915KHZ
« on: February 18, 2016, 0241 UTC »
I hear a station on 6915usb ... it may be Am but the signal is weak,,, 0226utc... voice (Talk) sounds like a preacher but too weak to be sure.

This will be my last logging as the IRQ people refuse to even try to give a reception report on this station.

Thank you Folks and let's hear more... and more... and more... shout out damn it!!!

Is this where I am suppose to be...???

The audio file is here OK dudes... <heh>


I don't do QSL's but...  please oh please send me one... I feel so left out... <Sob>

If I don't get one...  I'll be back....

I have no comment on this (for once)...  it is what it is,,,

General Radio Discussion / Re: The Quest for the Ultimate Vacuum Tube
« on: February 17, 2016, 1515 UTC »


FCC commissioner: U.S. tradition of free expression slipping away

The American traditions of free expression and respectful discourse are slipping away, and college campuses and Twitter are prime examples, according to a member of the Federal Communications Commission.

"I think that poses a special danger to a country that cherishes First Amendment speech, freedom of expression, even freedom of association," FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai told the Washington Examiner. "I think it's dangerous, frankly, that we don't see more often people espousing the First Amendment view that we should have a robust marketplace of ideas where everybody should be willing and able to participate.

"Largely what we're seeing, especially on college campuses, is that if my view is in the majority and I don't agree with your view, then I have the right to shout you down, disrupt your events, or otherwise suppress your ability to get your voice heard," Pai added.

"Private actors like Twitter have the freedom to operate their platform as they see fit," Pai said, "[but] I would hope that everybody embraces the idea of the marketplace of ideas. The proverbial street corner of the 21st century, where people can gather to debate issues is increasingly social media, which serves as a platform for public discourse." Twitter announced last week it was establishing a "Trust and Safety" panel to police speech on the site.

Pai concluded that if voters and institutions fail to defend free speech within their own spheres, it could lead to more government regulations curtailing that freedom.

"The text of the First Amendment is enshrined in our Constitution, but there are certain cultural values that undergird the amendment that are critical for its protections to have actual meaning," Pai said. "If that culture starts to wither away, then so too will the freedom that it supports."

Pai, who was appointed to the FCC in 2012, has consistently opposed the agency's efforts to impose more restrictions on speech. The commission ruled last year that the First Amendment did not apply to Internet service providers, a precedent that Pai and others pointed out could lead to more regulations on political speech, particularly on websites like the Drudge Report, in the future.

"It is conceivable to me to see the government saying, 'We think the Drudge Report is having a disproportionate effect on our political discourse," Pai noted shortly after the ruling. "The FCC doesn't have the ability to regulate anything he says, and we want to start tamping down on websites like that."

"Is it unthinkable that some government agency would say the marketplace of ideas is too fraught with dissonance? That everything from the Drudge Report to Fox News … is playing unfairly in the online political speech sandbox? I don't think so," Pai added.

Huh? / Re: Disaster of Biblical proportions in Antartica!
« on: February 17, 2016, 1443 UTC »
There are drums beyond the mountain... and they're getting mighty near...

General Radio Discussion / Re: Propagation
« on: February 17, 2016, 1440 UTC »
Hmmmm.... food you say ;-)

I would try archive.org as someone else said.

They have complete radio programs from both commercial and home made sources and they don't seem to have the copyright phools jump on them...

I'm always digging around that site.

According to the "Bono Law" none of us will live long enough to see even the earliest recordings go into public domain.  The only exemption are any of the Edison recording as they have been given to the Library of congress for the people to enjoy...

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