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Messages - Teotwaki

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HF Beacons / Re: 4 MHz beacons, 4/27/22 loggings
« on: April 30, 2022, 0617 UTC »
Great list!!!

HF Beacons / Re: Mojave Beaconeer's Rants, Opinions and Demands
« on: April 30, 2022, 0616 UTC »
...... some complicated micro-pro like DW

McGreevy, your public sniping is uncalled for and is not what this forum is about. My opinion of you continues to decline at a precipitous rate.

HF Beacons / Re: Archer Beacon ON THE AIR!
« on: April 30, 2022, 0516 UTC »
I sent an email this morning and will report if I get an answer

Yesterday I received some great information! The Archer Beacon will be coming back pending a final choice of a new location and equipment deployment. I was not given an exact time frame or location so keep on the lookout for it.

HF Beacons / Re: Teotwaki's Evening Beacon Log
« on: April 30, 2022, 0510 UTC »
2097.315 KHz    the A beacon with a decent signal here
4095.670 KHz    DW. Weak on my KX3/PX3..  BAT 13.0  OTMP 76  ITMP 80  PV 1
4109.360 KHz    Coast Slider, weak but clear

HF Beacons / Re: The Desert Whooper
« on: April 21, 2022, 0336 UTC »
Great trip report Dave!

HF Beacons / Re: Teotwaki's Evening Beacon Log
« on: April 17, 2022, 0130 UTC »

no sign of the A beacon at the moment

4095.670 KHz    DW. Weak on my KX3/PX3..  BAT 13.1  OTMP 70  ITMP  78  PV 85
4096.270 KHz    Buddha. 2 sec dasher.  Heard on SDR only

HF Beacons / Re: Teotwaki's Morning Beacon Log
« on: April 16, 2022, 1705 UTC »
4095.70 KHz  Desert Whooper S4 on KFS SE  BAT 13.9  oTMP  66  iTMP  75  PV  6
4095.05 KHz  Slow dasher
4097.29 KHz  Fast dasher
6627.20 KHz  mega wide 800 Hz daytime fast dasher
6700.49 KHz  Hexie2K

HF Beacons / Re: The Desert Whooper
« on: April 16, 2022, 1549 UTC »
Next time you're there could you put it on the former Windy freq. (4102.7 or so)  to get the whooping away from the sun only ditter/dasher cluster (makes for more esthetic listening). - I and a friend in MN ask this... please?

First off, this weird request should have been sent in a PM but since you stated this in public view in a technical beacon thread I am going to give you some feedback as a beacon fan and not a moderator..

4096 is a common CPU clock crystal frequency and is not assigned to any one beacon builder. Besides, are you the Marine Band Pirate Beacon FCC that now presumes to be reassigning Windy's frequency? Let the owner of Windy post up and relay his/her plans. On top of that you opened the door to other beacons on 4096 when you publicly "departed" from the pirate beacon realm and took most of your beacons off the air.

Mark and readers:

I am not creating new beacons anymore due to now delving into ELF and other non shortwave realms of EM waves, so the only 4096 beacon of mine is Coxie long dasher on 4069.0 plus and minus drift. I think Rainy is QRT now... unheard even with short daytime skip. HexY2k 6700.50 is still functioning by day amazingly but I wonder if someone has moved it or replaced maintained it in my 14 year absence from Joshua Tree NP. A few days ago MarinDit was in on 8193.77 so that oscillator only beacon on AC power might very well wind up as my final and only beacon signal remaining as they all dwindle away, so enjoy my remaining signals.

I am always laughing here at the "Windy Beacon Monitoring Fan Club" here having been one of a few whom have seen that up close, long ago, in another time...

It is good others are on this bandwagon so I can depart it. Good luck , DXing, and 73...

I really liked your Inyo Whooper but you took it off the air. I liked hearing your Viking beacon because of it's location but you took that off the air, changed the name and moved it twice, making it impossible to hear without resorting to an SDR. Given that your sun only beacons are huge frequency drifters I think it is you that should at least redesign for stability if not move to a different frequency. If your beacons were actually stable on 4096 the DW beacon would not be an issue when using a modern receiver with tunable bandwidths.

DW is fun to listen to because people can actually hear it and the data it sends. You very publicly jumped off the "bandwagon" so complaining about the newcomer's pirate beacons is just sour grapes.

Moderator Mode On: If this turns into a longer discussion I should move it to "Mojave Beaconeer's Opinions, Thoughts and Recollections" where it belongs


HF Beacons / Re: 4095.6 - the Desert Whooper Returns
« on: April 10, 2022, 2257 UTC »
I wonder what the problem was. It seems there's many things that can happen to a beacon in a remote location-- component failure, antenna down,  critters chewed thru the feedline, water ingress, beacon was used for target practice...It's a wonder that many of them (DW, Coxie, Rainy, etc.) are so long-lived!

Perhaps the beaconeer can post what happened it.

Some good guesses, but hopefully we'll soon hear from the folks that actually built DW. It's sort of a "young" beacon at less than two years old. I also hope the Coast Slider is brought back to life in June. Wish I could help out. It's still a weird coincidence that both beacons went down in the same storm on the same day.

DW tech information & background thread is here:  https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,85047.0.html

The Mojave Beaconeer" didn't build DW but he did give the nasty critters a great moniker:  "Nibblers & Biters"   ;D
His beacons may be old but at least three of them have survived many long years and have sort of anchored the hobby for all of its listeners. I'm sure those stalwart beacons inspired many other people to try their hand at building pirate beacons.

I'm hearing it fairly well, S6 - S7 on the KFS omni kiwi sdr but not able to hear it at home in SoCal

I'm hearing it fairly well, S4 - S6 on the KFS omni kiwi sdr but not able to hear it at home in Orange County, CA


HF Beacons / Re: 4095.6 - the Desert Whooper Returns
« on: April 09, 2022, 2307 UTC »
My observations:

The signal is weaker than before
The reported voltage appears to be static at 13.2 volts
Reported  temperatures are always in the low 70's and always 2-3 degrees apart
PV value is always zero

One might guess that it has been recovered, repaired and is in testing before redeployment

HF Beacons / Re: 4095.6 - the Desert Whooper Returns
« on: April 09, 2022, 1800 UTC »
Good news!!!

HF Beacons / Re: The 'Coast Slider' 4109.5
« on: April 04, 2022, 2217 UTC »
Yes, evidently the beacon is no longer operational.

 It's a mystery as to what happened to it, and it'll be a mid June before I can take the hike to even check on it. Hopefully it can be repaired on-site, otherwise it'll have to be brought in for repairs. CS will be MIA for a few months.


Thanks for letting us know!

HF Beacons / Re: Long Dasher On 4069.4
« on: March 31, 2022, 1710 UTC »
nope, Desert Whooper is still around, i can pick it up here in VA albeit not all the time and when it does come through its pretty faint.

More likely transmitter failure or even vandalism. It would be awfully expensive for the FCC to send people out into the roadless desert

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