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Messages - ff

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North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: WAZU 6954.1 AM 1925z 09-Jan-16
« on: January 09, 2016, 2014 UTC »
Thanks for the logs folks!  I was using the mighty Wazoo NVIS machine with 9 watts of carrier output this afternoon.  As usual, anyone seeking a QSL can just hit my box with a modest report, copy and paste is fine.


73... ff

HF Beacons / Re: Some 13.56 MHz Beacons 1800 UTC 5 Jan 2016
« on: January 05, 2016, 2013 UTC »
GNK is normally ALL I can hear... here.

I'm assuming this is CCC with dance mx.  S6-S7 here.
Heard "Okay that's enough" and off soon after at 2003. 
Perhaps testing.  Didn't resemble their normal programming.  Perhaps not them...

i would venture to say you did very well for NVIS and im looking forward to hearing you broadcast again :)

Thank you for the extensive information you gave, Elite.  I have been studying it and scratching my head a bit.  I believe I have some "near field" issues with the 40M dipole's present location.  Damn trees are never where they need to be, ya know?   ;)  Thanks again!

Good morning guys!  Did y'all just get up with the dog - or have you been hunting Euros all night?  Thanks for the reports.  If any of youse are wishin' a QSL, just hit my addy with a modest report.

Elite: no amplifier, the band skip was just winding down - and not fast enough!
Skipmuck: You're the only guy that has ever THANKED me for a kick in the ass!  :D
Vince: Yep, a WWII vintage FT243
Joe: Most Canadians pronounce the letter "z" as "zed", yet spell it as "z".  And who am I to argue?  So the addy is: wazushortwave@gmail.com  BTW - It nullifies any confusion between z, b, c, v, d... well, I'm sure you get it. :)

Your receps were all off the east dipole end.  Nobody else heard...  Go figure.
Thanks again for your interest and 73!


Well JP, it's been years since anyone has accused me of being "cute" or "fun".  I'm just a 60-year old "kid playing radio"  :) How 'bout you?

10/11 meters / Re: 11 meter DX 15 December 2015 1700 UTC
« on: December 30, 2015, 1354 UTC »
The biggest issue IMO is the lack of pirate enthusiasts actively listening/monitoring upper-HF comms, epsecially during daytime hours.

You're probably right Rob.  I have had (slightly) better luck in the 16 meter band (17 MHz) when I've pirated there.  FWIW, this backwater pirate has had the most response from the 19 meter band and down. I usually operate INSIDE the Int'l Bcast bands on unused frequencies and I'm notorious for rarely pre-announcing my transmissions.  The response of which I speak is overwhelmingly NOT pirate radio enthusiasts, but rather surprised SWLs.  Over the years WAZU has drawn the most response (ignoring 43 and 48 meters) on 22 meters (13.5-14 MHz) and 41 meters (7.3-7.6 MHz). I once had plans to operate on 13 meters (21.5 MHz) but my lack of top band response scuttled plans to put together an exciter and a dipole for that band.  My method of operation is different than most pirates and others might get different results, but my findings tend to agree with your premise.

10/11 meters / Re: 11 meter DX 15 December 2015 1700 UTC +
« on: December 30, 2015, 0136 UTC »
I myself wonder why there isn't more pirate use of 11 meters.  Well, pirate broadcasting use of 11 meters, I should say.

As Chris said, the skip zones are problematic.  I have run WAZU for hours on end up in the high 25s with nary a report.  In fact, last winter I pitched a tent up there and ran non-stop over a couple of weekends, both day and night, but still no response.  I've since taken the dipole down to use the supports for more promising shortwave real estate.  Maybe someone else will have better luck up there.

BTW R4002, really nice logs!

General Radio Discussion / Re: Happy Holidays!
« on: December 24, 2015, 2219 UTC »
Yes - Happy Holidays to all the HFUers!  Unfortunately, unless sunspot AR2473 fizzles out early, the Christmas pirate bands will lack their normal pizzazz.  Ulp... that might mean turning the radio off and spending more time with the... ugh... family - ARRRGH!  More time to hit the Christmas spirits!  Merry Happy and a Ho Ho Ho!

Anyone tried to do a generalized DF?

Any ideas???

OTR is one of those many wonderful puzzles that make shortwave radio - and pirate radio in particular - so much fun for me.  Vince, I'm located in upstate NY and I often receive OTR with an S6 or S7 signal in the daylight hours with very little QSB.  I guess that says it is in my neck of the woods - which I'm sure the Feds could figure out in about 5 seconds flat.  Beyond that, I think I'd rather NOT know.  Mysteries add spice to the SWLing sauce...

HAHA 20 kilobucks? I'm gonna start measuring my money as if it is watts now too.
Damnit turns out I'll be at 0 watts for a while.

Don't sweat it Atrain - you ain't the only one with a QRP bank account  >:(

And Vince, I've never been able to explain the torrent of weird crap pouring out of my addled brain either but at least I have all my 70s/80s substance abuse to point to.  Your situation further boggles my already boggled mind.  Good luck with that...

S6 here in NY

1835 ELO "Don't Bring Me Down"
1839 "Weakest Pirate Station in the Nation" ID and into Scorpions "Rock You Like A Hurricane"

Off at 1852

General Radio Discussion / Re: Baby, if you've ever wondered...
« on: December 08, 2015, 1350 UTC »
  I also had large groups of Deer come down on the lawn in the very early morning but their doodoo isn't wet and messy  ::) 

A morning surprise Vince ;D

I have a similar animal circus here, but thankfully it takes place in the field above the house.  My fenced-in backyard is the spaniel's toilet.  Although occasionally a deer will hop in and hop out, leaving some Cocoa Puffs.  I've never had a turkey in there though.  They just aren't enthusiastic flyers.  In fact, I've never really understood what actually makes them take flight.  Generally they will run away from danger and they are FAST.  They seem to be gaining in number even with all the coyotes that the stupid NYS Dept. of Constipation re-introduced over the last decade.

General Radio Discussion / Re: Baby, if you've ever wondered...
« on: December 07, 2015, 1343 UTC »
Yes they CAN fly - but not very well.  When I was still driving short haul for a living I hit one flying low and slow about 8 feet off the ground.  Me going 60, bird flying perpendicular to me.  I could see the whole thing coming but couldn't avoid hitting that bird - right smack dab in the windshield on the passenger side.  Just like hitting a bowling ball.  Took out the whole windshield - thank God for safety glass.  Once I got the truck stopped on the shoulder I must've been at least 10 minutes just catching my breath and picking glass chunklets before I picked up the phone.  I thought the boss would be pissed, but he acted kinda incredulous about the whole thing...

Huh? / Re: God isn't fixing this.
« on: December 04, 2015, 2028 UTC »
God isn't fixing this. 

Neither will more gun control laws...

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