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Messages - Ct Yankee

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Spy Numbers / HM01 11635am 5/13/16 2051z
« on: May 13, 2016, 2052 UTC »
Very good signal
2051z  YL in Spanish - extremely long string of numbers,  uninterrupted - not separated in sets.  Going for three minutes now.
2054z tone followed by only 3 numbers, followed by tone, followed by five numbers, followed by tone, followed by three numbers, then tone again, then five numbers, and tone.
2056z Pattern of tones and five numbers continues
2125z No transmission but signs that carrier is there
2130z extremely long set of numbers again, much like 2051z, ended at 2133z, tones, three numbers, then tones.

Shortwave Broadcast / Voice of Greece 9420am 5/13/16 1925z
« on: May 13, 2016, 1923 UTC »
In Greek, fair signal - noise
1925z Greek music (If I recall, the delightful Greek music will play for awhile)

Shortwave Broadcast / Radio Havana Cuba 15140AM 5/13/16 1900z
« on: May 13, 2016, 1909 UTC »
Excellent signal in English
1900z IS, Radio Havana broadcasting in English, very warm out
1902z 1846 invasion by US into Mexico on this date
1904z OM and YL news - Brazil, Palestine, Cuba/US talks next week, Cuba Gulf Oil Drilling
1925z Sports news (Olympics, Sailing, Table Tennis)

Shortwave Broadcast / Vatican Radio 1843z 5/13/16 15595AM
« on: May 13, 2016, 1847 UTC »
Liturgy in Latin (Haven't heard this since mid-60's in person), excellent signal
1843z YL leading Liturgy

In Spanish  (Excellent Signal)
1757z IS, time pips, into Introduction tune
1800z News - OM and YL (bombing injuries in Baghdad, higher domestic prices, La Liga fixtures)
1808z REE ID (Program 24 Hours)

Shortwave Broadcast / Deusche Welle 17800am 5/13/16 1720z
« on: May 13, 2016, 1722 UTC »
In French - Noise, fading (theme of the day and the heavy rain is yet to arrive)
1720z 2 OM's talking, "Obama" mentioned
1722z YL talking with OM
1732z DW sounder in between segments
1745z ID Deusche Welle and sounder

Shortwave Broadcast / Channel Africa 15235am 5/13/16 1659z
« on: May 13, 2016, 1704 UTC »
Fair amount of noise, fading
1659z IS
1700z "You are listening to Channel Africa....on frequency 15235"
1701z YL with News - Somalia

Shortwave Broadcast / Voice of Turkey 15520am 5/13/16 1650z
« on: May 13, 2016, 1653 UTC »

Faint, noise
1650z Music to YL giving Question of the Month, then back to music.

Well, after being unheard for several days, RA is back on 9580 - though a fair amount of noise.
0930z YL leading discussion about Zika virus/pregnancy.
1000z Broadcast in a foreign language.
1019z "Radio Australia" - return to English, report on the Pacific Games.  Reception now excellent.
1045z Two OM's discussing Civil Rights protests in United States in 60's.


Have been listening since 0005z with the hope I could ID a program but too many crashes and too much noise.  I can tell its old programming by conversation and audience laughter.

Spy Numbers / Spanish Numbers 11635AM 2145z 5/9/16
« on: May 09, 2016, 2148 UTC »
2145z YL with series of numbers in Spanish followed by fax modem sounding noise, silence, then YL repeats a new set of numbers
most recent set: uno ocho ocho cuatro ocho
2150z broadcast stopped
2155z muted conversation fading in/out
2157z another set of numbers - clear in Spanish by YL, faint/muted conversation follows
2159z Loud static, conversation/music in background

5850 significantly better here.
0040z Two YL's talking in between Slovak songs including weather
0042z Reception reports
0045z Listener Competition
0055z "Thank you for listening to Radio Slovakia"  contact information given.

Excellent reception, in Portuguese
2315z Music - OM in between songs.  Really delightful program.
2320z "Radio Nacional da Brasilia"

Shortwave Broadcast / KBS World 11810AM 5/8/16 2210z
« on: May 08, 2016, 2221 UTC »
Heard just above noise
2210z - 2220z Unid songs (K-pop?)interspersed by YL in english talking about music

 1441z Faint, getting music just above the noise

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