We seek to understand and document all radio transmissions, legal and otherwise, as part of the radio listening hobby. We do not encourage any radio operations contrary to regulations. Always consult with the appropriate authorities if you have questions concerning what is permissible in your locale.

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Messages - The Vault Keeper

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European Pirates and Private Stations / Re: About this forum
« on: June 24, 2022, 1340 UTC »
From a listener / user point of view. I believe this will be a step backwards. Users will now be in a mixed listing made up of stark polar opposites - licensed and unlicensed operators hammered together with no reference or indication as to what is what. The core information that many users require regarding the status of what they hear will neither be shown nor available. Very often the legality or lack of... is the most unique difference between various transmissions and the proposal is now to disregard this.

I would echo the comments of others in that consistency across the forum should be observed. I note the Shortwave Pirate section pertaining to US loggings does not list “private” FCC licenced stations no matter how small or large it is uniquely made up of Pirate listings. I believe the European Pirate section should reflect this for continuity purposes and ease of use if nothing else...

So why you post it in the Euro Pirate section. Your listing was incorrect!

Yes I am aware of this !
So why would you post it in the European Pirate section ?

Gentlemen this is not a European Pirate station!
German licensee

Hi there.
Please note that this is not a European Pirate station. Transmitting location is in Lower Saxony / Germany in accordance with a licence issued by the German Federal Net.

They are https://shortwaveradio.de

The Vault will test propagation to North America in the 19m Broadcast band on Saturday 18th June. Frequency of 15105kHz mode USB 6kz bandwidth. Transmission to commence at 2100 UTC, duration one to three hours.
Transmission may be intermittent.
The Vault antenna array will be looking to North America for this test.
 If heard, your reports will be very welcome in the European Pirate section here on HF Underground.
With thanks and best regards
By the way, our dear friends Harmony may appear near by !

MW Loggings / Re: Absolute Radio 1215 AM 2201 UTC 17 June 2022
« on: June 17, 2022, 2218 UTC »
Absolute Radio is not a European Pirate.
Licenced UK commercial radio station.
1215kHz Absolute Classic Rock is a semi-national digital radio station owned and operated by Bauer as part of the Absolute Radio Network.

1954 via a UK web SDR
S6-8 fast fades USB

1952 OM live ID next music
1955 ID from OM presenter
1956 Police - Message in a bottle

2000 ID from OM with comments next
Dire Straits- Walk of Life

1417 : music via Ireland northwest kiwi
14:19 cats in the cradle

15:00 off

Broadcast Announcements / The Vault Update
« on: April 21, 2022, 1554 UTC »
Greetings from The Vault.
The Vault will be conducting low power tests for the next two weeks, commencing 21st April.
Carrier is 40w. Modulation is 110% peak. This transmitter is locked to 6985kHz, no other channels will he used during these tests.
All reports welcomed.
We will use the next two weeks to work through a QSL back log - thank you for your patience and time.

Confirm The Vault from Europe.
Just played Crowded House Don’t dream its over.

1920 Direct

S 9 plus
1920 Music

1924  S9 OM presenter mentions reports etc....

1926 FR David - Words

1918 Direct

S 9

1919 music

1241 Direct

trace carrier occasional weak audio, very weak here

1230 Music Direct to the Vault

S7 -9

1228 Sly & Robbie - Night Nurse

TX  pass band to 20K plus

1238 Deep fades to S5.... break my Stride

1244 Imagination - Flashback (building to S8/9 )

1249 carrier to S8

1250 Off

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