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Messages - Cornelius

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Utility / HF Weather Voice Testing - 8674 USB, 0435 UTC 15 Aug 2020
« on: August 15, 2020, 0439 UTC »
Hearing a Coast Guard weather transmitter reading a web page that hasn't been formatted AT ALL to be read out by a robot. It's talking about testing and requesting reception responses from a bunch of stations.

It's overmodulated, and sounds pretty lousy.

0416 - Dare To Be Stupid
0417 - Smells Like Nirvana

Gotta love Weird Al!

0312 - Doors - People are Strange

UNID rambling about Covid cases on 6935. Occasionally getting hammered by radar.

Right on the edge of reception here, with deep fades and occasional QRM from OTHR.

Fantastic signal. Just tuned in at 0310.
0321 - Thanks for the shoutout! It's great to hear you again.

Spy Numbers / Re: Great spy numbers program!!!
« on: May 18, 2016, 0107 UTC »
I heard that for the first time a couple days ago. What a great show!

0338 - Hearing faint music on 6940 USB.
0346 - OM ID as Potato Pirate.
0347 - Off. Thanks for the show!

I caught a bit of it here too.

0241 - Strong AM carrier, audio fading in and out from quite strong to absolutely nothing. Music playing, don't know the song.
0244 - OM identifying Radio True North. Perfectly timed fade up to perfect signal, then back to the noise.
0248ish - Off or fading to nothing.

Equipment / Rig advice?
« on: October 12, 2015, 0633 UTC »
⁠⁠⁠Could anyone suggest a commercial ham rig that can handle 100% duty on AM or SSB for about an hour, possibly with additional cooling? Obviously TX range expansion is a must. We're looking for something inexpensive in the $400 or less range preferably. The TS940-S looks nice, but the price is astronomical. 10 watts isn't cutting it on 43m with the bands in such lousy shape. Amps are always a possibility, of course.

Thanks for any suggestions!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6924.9 AM 0331 8/19/2015
« on: August 19, 2015, 0350 UTC »
Thanks for the show, regardless. There's a little bit there, but not really enough to hear. Hopefully next time!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6924.9 AM 0331 8/19/2015
« on: August 19, 2015, 0343 UTC »
Nothing but carrier here, but that's better than I've gotten in a LONG time.

Correction: If I switch antennas, I get a teeeeeeeeny bit of audio, but nothing intelligible.

0203z - I can see a little bit of carrier on the waterfall, but there's barely anything coming through. Occasional fades of music.

0419z - Music playing, can't identify the tune. Pretty weak signal, with serious fading.
0423z - Massive improvement in the signal. The tune sounds familiar, but I can't quite place it.
0430z - Off. No ID heard.

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