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Topics - cyberflexx

Pages: [1]
Captain Morgan

Signal Booming in S7-S9

Jazz/Blues Music  - I dont know the song names

3:12 UTC - Little whoopie to last all night long
3:15 UTC - One Round wont get me down
The Jazz continued heard a 1 ID with email  Voice was distorted, didnt
get it that time
3:32 UTC  Heard ID and email address, was distorted again but understood it
3:40 UTC  Cadillac Song
3:48 UTC Song abruptly ended into heavy static

Thanks for the show Captain!

QSLs Received / Radio Jamba International 12/12/2012
« on: January 09, 2013, 0206 UTC »
I recieved this email QSL from Radio Jamba International from their 12/27/12 broadcast.

It's not very descriptive, but at least its something..

Thanks Kracker!

This maybe commercial station..unsure.

Signal 6 with some sideband splatter i cant tune in on..

3942mhz 1/2/13 300utc    some live talk show, commercials too.

Anyone know what this is?

6950 no id yet.  630utc    barely hear rock music deep in the static
6931utc  sounds like an oldy song from the 40s?
Having trouble pulling this one in.
636utc  an old always coca cola jingle ?

340utc  signal 5 fading to 1 and back in huntington wv
heard weird space age music with some voice mixed in.  Couldnt tell what wad said
343utc  selector is on, channel is centered.
Lost signal 345utc

Equipment / Help pulling in Pirate radio stations
« on: December 27, 2012, 2121 UTC »
First post here.. Admins, thanks approving my account.

I have been listening off and on to shortwave since about the mid 80s when I was a teenager when my friend showed me his dads radios.  Ever since then, the fascination with CBs, Scanners and Shortwave has hit me and to this day, I still am fascinated in this stuff.  I should just study and get my HAM license to I can actually DX talk to people instead of just listening.

Back in the 90s, my 1st pirate was the Voice of the Purple Pumpkin, I think it was on 7415 and picked it up with my DX392, then during the Y2K scare, I heard Voice of the Pigs Ear and thought those were interesting.  Every year at halloween, i would tune in to try to hear some broadcasts and have failed.  I dont know what I am doing wrong.

I am having trouble with listening to pirates.  I rarely ever hear one and discouraged me from using my radio.  I started trying again with the doomsday garbage, thinking pirates would be really active on that night of the ending of the Myan calendar.  I did not hear anything but maybe some CW in SSB.  I didnt even write that log down as it was just garbage to me.

I know this has probably been asked a blue million times.   But can someone help me with suggestions to my equipment?

Location:  Huntington, WV and yes there are hills in my area and my home is on a slope of one of the hills in a quiet neighborhood.
Radio: Radio Shack DX-392 with BFO
Antenna: Telescopic and also the Radio Shack amplified antenna, and random wire
Time Listening: I normally listen in the evening hours around 10pm until midnight and hours of static is just driving me nuts.
Frequencies: 6.925, 6.955, 6.930, 6.935 SSB

I have been experimenting with random wires off my radio antenna and off the amplified antenna and also from the external jack.  I am not able to run a wire outside the house and normally just run the speakerwire across my room and attach it to the curtain rod.  Still I dont pick up anything at all.  Last night i took 2 dow rods and made a cross and ran wire around it like a squared loop and hung it out on my back deck off of a plant pot holder hook.  the wire attached to it was about 50 or 60 feet long through my dining room and into the living room to the recliner.  The loop was about 7 feet off my deck vertically.  This did prove to give me some gain on my meter of static and when i was tuning other channels, i noticed that my antenna tuner on the external antenna was off by a frequency, i am guessing due to the antenna being in a loop.  I have also tried a slinky and clipping my wire to it when it was stretched out across the room and I still come up blank.  I also check the pirate logs, and there are logs for when I am listening.  For example, the undercover radio log for 12-26-12.  Sometimes when I am listening to hour of static, i think i hear some music but i think its all in my head..

I am wondering if my radio is the problem, but it seems to pick up ham bands and radio cuba havanna just fine.

Would running electric fence wire in my attic and putting a wall jack in that i can just plug into at my recliner location help?  I have 2 spools of that wire available from a friend if you think that would work.

Any help for this old newbie would be great!

Thinking the issue is my radio, I'd be interested in a used R71 if someone had one for sale at a low budget man's price.


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