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Topics - Barycenter

Pages: [1]
HF Beacons / Unknown beeping - dashes on 7949.5 khz
« on: December 19, 2022, 0015 UTC »
I've been hearing beeps/dashes in single and doubles around 7950 khz every 2.5 seconds. Anyone know what these are?

Update: seems to have stopped at 00:30. The signal did this before and started up again.

MW Loggings / Part 15 Station in N CA - 1710 AM Who is it?
« on: October 18, 2022, 0305 UTC »
Was listening online with KiwiSDR: Software-defined receiver in northern California USA KR6LA and I'm hearing what seems to be a Part 15 AM station broadcasting on 1710 khz. I've searched online and in Part 15 databases but don't see anything close to this location other than a Hispanic Part 15 just south of Reno, NV.  I checked the live stream and they were different (the CA station was playing Linda Ronstadt)

Anyone have ideas what station that might be? Maybe a resort of some type?  This would be near Redding, CA.

Shortwave Broadcast / Unknown religious broadcast on 10100 khz AM
« on: August 18, 2019, 2310 UTC »
Hearing a religious broadcast right now on 10100 khz. Anyone know what it is? I thought it was just an overloaded station nearby but I went out to SDR sites and hear it in other locations.

Shortwave Broadcast / What is this? 11530 khz 23:05 UTC
« on: May 20, 2016, 2307 UTC »
I cannot figure out just what all of the yelling and music is - so very weird!!  Booming signal right now - supposed to be a spy numbers station?

Utility / UNID 6577 USB 2059 UTC Mar 28, 2016
« on: March 28, 2016, 2100 UTC »
Unknown chatter on 6577 - seems to be military oriented.  What is this?

Other / UNID 8100 USB 0047 UTC 13 Oct 2014
« on: October 14, 2014, 0050 UTC »
Can anyone tell me what the heck is going on on 8100 khz right now - weird noises and some voice cut-ins.

Other / Unidentified Conversation on 8054 USB
« on: September 23, 2014, 0326 UTC »
Picking a conversation up right now barely discernible - anyone else getting it?

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 27095 AM 2339 UTC 1 Sept 2104
« on: September 01, 2014, 2342 UTC »
Very strong signal of music and other odd noises about an S3-S5 here.

HF Beacons / Unknown Beacon 8060 KHz USB 5/22/2014 0509 +U
« on: May 22, 2014, 0511 UTC »
Strange signal - about an S3-S5 here. I have no idea what it is.

Other / Unknown 8000 KHz USB 5/21/2014 0032 +U
« on: May 21, 2014, 0033 UTC »
Someone on 8000 KHz again USB - whistling and talking - S3 barely over the noise. Anyone else getting this?

Other / Unknown 8000 KHz USB 5/20/2014 0305 +U
« on: May 20, 2014, 0307 UTC »
Unknown sounds and carrier right now on 8000-8001 KHz. Cannot quite tune it in. Heard a voice for a moment.  S3-S5.

Other / Unknown 8069 KHz USB 5/20/2014 0120+ U
« on: May 20, 2014, 0127 UTC »
Unknown foreign language conversation (Italian or Spanish?) in USB on 8069 KHz. Signal about S5. Do some countries have amateur bands in the 8000-8200 KHz range?

Other / Unknown 6835 KHz USB 5/10/2014 0024+ UTC
« on: May 10, 2014, 0032 UTC »
I'm new so maybe this is old news - but, unusual chatter between coastal - ship communications on 6835 kHz. Not sure the context but was in English and had references various ship-shore items. Only caught the last 4 minutes. Signal was a S7 here in MN.

Any ideas what or who this is?

Equipment / HF Receiving Antenna Myths
« on: May 04, 2014, 1819 UTC »
I'm new to this community and only have started up my interest in HF SWLing since the late 1970s. One thing I do know (being a scientist/engineer) is that there is a prevalent misconception on antennas for receivers vs. transmitters. Most books and online sites talk about tuning antennas to the proper length/configuration to reduce loss from reflection/impedance etc. for transmitting power.

However, this is not true for receiving antennas. In order to tune a receiver you must reverse the concept. Even if a halfwave dipole is 'tuned' by length to the correct frequency, the power or gain in your receiver depends on the impedance of your feed line and receiver input. Definitely not the same.

That said, I would like to hear other's opinions on this subject and what you have found to be the best HF antenna-receiver combination and why. Do you agree with this myth?


HF Beacons / "UFO" morse beacon on 8001 khz
« on: May 01, 2014, 0234 UTC »
Sorry, I'm new to the forum - but hearing a repeating morse signal of the letters 'UFO' on 8001 khz right now.  Any idea what that is?

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