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Topics - aquabat

Pages: [1]
Peskies / couple nets, 6889 6900 around 1720U nov 10-2018
« on: November 10, 2018, 2229 UTC »
hi kids, long time.
wanted to get this in as band seems to be dropping out, several SS language qso's, no recognizable voices.
still happening now @1727

Peskies / 6920 LSB 2100 UTC 15 Mar 2017
« on: March 15, 2017, 2106 UTC »
couple gents talking over each other a bit. small net of 2 unid ops so far, but its still early.

Peskies / 6900 LSB 2355 UTC 8 Mar 2017
« on: March 09, 2017, 0002 UTC »
interesting net developing. some of the regulars, one particular new ID of 'felipe' (the peskie formerly known as "Off By 30" [cuz hes always 30khz north of whatever freq everyone else is on] in my catalog).

Other / MARS 8140-8152 kHz USB 2200-2300 UTC 1 Mar 2017
« on: March 01, 2017, 2306 UTC »
quite a few MARS ops heard between these freqs, including 'the doodad net' earlier at 2200.
the band is open i guess.

3 or 4, maybe 5 guys conversating, then some troll comes in and runs them off. I didnt catch an id, but I think its  "276 worldwide"  from the first post in this subboard. how rude. I was trying to collect info on the operators. now its ruined.

Peskies / UNID SS 6900, 6920 LSB 2148 UTC February 22, 2017
« on: February 22, 2017, 2151 UTC »
same SS guy both freqs with phrase "capital, washington" about s8 here, checking in to various nets. rf conditions are great, I expect a good bit of traffic tonight.
who else wants to go fishing for pesskies :P

sounds like brazilians or portuguese now on 6889 @2232, wonder if Capital will join them

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6925 AM 1855 UTC 03/04/2016
« on: March 04, 2016, 1858 UTC »
s8 w/good audio, some minor fading, no interference yet. classic rock format so far, no id. synch am mode in sdr helps lock the carrier for me.
unusual for this time of day for me to catch something.
thanks for the entertainment! i'm invested.

North American Shortwave Pirate / UNID 6955 USB 0300 UTC Oct 10 2015
« on: October 10, 2015, 0306 UTC »
s7 into DC, good punchy audio, with opening country tune and fake commercial.
nominal atmospheric fading.
still unid at 0305
then, as quickly as it arrived, it was gone

Utility / interesting weather forecast on 8137u @1130UTC
« on: September 26, 2015, 1151 UTC »
east coast wx report, sounds more like a conversation than a typical wx report. pretty unusual.
s6 in DC area.

North American Shortwave Pirate / amphetamine radio 6925u 1730 UTC
« on: September 25, 2015, 1746 UTC »
good music mix, 80's stuff mainly, s6 into DC.
i rarely hear pirates during the day, nice change of pace after the local pope visit mayhem.
good audio, some  minor fades.
thankfully my newly installed EQ deck helps with adding some depth to any piped in audio.
oh another sstv txmsn at 1752UTC

Utility / 9640u phone patch, 2145-2159 UTC
« on: August 30, 2015, 2200 UTC »
sick passenger on flight, care instructions given over patch. unid at this time, wasnt prepared for this particular band, originally i thought it was a bcast harmonic.

Pages: [1]
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