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Topics - The Ether Hacker

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SINPO 34333

0758 Zero - James
0803 Jingle - ID not copied except "good morning"
0803 The Artillery man and the Fighting Machine - Jeff Wayne

SINPO 44334

2056 Abracadabra - Steve Miller band
2059 Station ID "This is radio Parade International"
2100 Mickey - Toni Basil

SINPO 44334

1915 Country and Western medleys

SINPO 44444 - Some short breaks in the signal

1743 If you go your own way - fleetwood Mac
1745 DJ station ID radio clash
1747 Unid - Madness
1749 Jingle Radio Clash
1749 The boys of summer - Don Henley

SINPO 44444  Good solid signal

1506 Station ID
1506 music

1513 TX off

SINPO 34433

2010 Eye of the Tiger
2012 Station ID
2012 Fame - Kids from Fame

SINPO 44343

2032 Station ID and email
2033 Irish folk music

Other / Echo Charlie Jammer 6666 LSB 1940 UTC 20 May 2022
« on: May 20, 2022, 1943 UTC »
SINPO 34433

1932 Guitar Music
1942 unid music in French
1945 Brave Margot - Georges Brassens

SINPO 44444

2015 Station ID
2015 Max Bruch - Violin Concerto No 1

SINPO 34433

1850 Got my mind set on you - George Harrison
1856 Station ID and email
1856 Lean on me - Club Nouveau
1859 Station ID
1859 Some People - Cliff Richard

SINPO 44333 Clear signal, slow fading

2021 Light instrumental music
2027 This is radio Parade + email
2027 Cuban music

SINPO 34333 Fair signal with some slow fading

1130 DJ with ID and email
1131 Elton John - Tiny Dancer

SINPO 34443  Slow fading, slight overmodulation

1024 Station ID Radio Pamela @ email
1024 Supertramp - Breakfast in America

SINPO 43433 Slow fading, some static

1719 Station ID
1719 The loving Spoonful - Summer in the City
1722 This is Radio Parade
1722 Andrew Gold - Lonely Boy

1539 Radio Mi Amigo being jammed with moving CW and morse like 6005 khz earlier today

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