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Messages - Catherwood

Pages: [1] 2
North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Dr. Who 6925 USB
« on: April 16, 2012, 0507 UTC »
Rough copy here. Right at my (high) noise level. S8, a lot of static, light QSB.

05:03z Discussion of some political sort. "ignorant, uneducated...." "Most heavily reproducing.. What's going to happen in another million years..." (Sounds like an "Idiocracy" scenario, hah!)
05:05z "Gonna hand it off to one of my co-hosts"

I Wandered off for bit to lower part of 40m

05:28z Two way QSO. Mention of life elsewhere than on this little rock
05:29z Hoping we had some listeners not in this country
05:30z Hearing mentions of Red Mercury Labs
05:21z Sign off. "Good job Dr Who, good job"

Kind of odd. Interesting enough I wish I'd heard it better.

Only catching bits and pieces.

QSLs Received / Re: Red Mercury Laboratories QSL
« on: April 16, 2012, 0116 UTC »
Got mine, too. Nice card. Thanks RML!


North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6925 USB Red Mercury Labs
« on: April 14, 2012, 0301 UTC »
6.925 USB. 59 +5dB. A lot of Static, but good copy.

03:01z One Piece at a Time - Johnny Cash
03:04z Red Mercury ID and mentions Bender's Request
03:05z Sig up to +15dB - Got the filters open to 3K now.
03:10z Working on the bow
03:11z Doors "Break on Through"
03:13z Doors "Light my Fire"
03:20z Red Mercury Labs ID
03:21z Shout out to us - Thanks!
03:22z Doors "Love me Two Times"
03:26z Some more shout outs, Wife owns the Silver Mercury Research Vessel.
03:28z Plug for Andrew Yoder's new book
03:29z "Hello I Love You" Doors
03:32z Shout out to Doc Benway - Class act Doc.
03:33z Sig now peaking at +20dB - filters open to 45K. Very nice audio now.
03:49z Mention of beverages of choice - Big Sky IPA here
03:58z Sat out on the front porch til 04:30z and listened on my Tecsun PL-660 and about 15ft or wire. S9, wide filter.
04:30z Shouting out to Cpt. Ron, ID, email address (Back on inside on the big rig) Sigs between S9 and +10dB
04:33 Second Big Sky IPA opened at this listening station. ALso snacking on wife's new fudge concoction - Chocolate, Peanut Butter, and Bacon, with a little Smoked Chipotle salt crystals on top. Wierdly Delicious.
04:34z Tom Petty "American Girl"
04:38z Breakdown - Petty

Late to the party, but loving the Johnny Cash. Sorry I missed Big river, hoping to hear "3 Feet High and Rising" and "Rock Island Line".


Ten Tec Jupiter, 31' Ground Mounted Vertical with 32 radials.

Started hearing the phonetics at 01:35z on 6.925 USB. Can't really discern groups here through the noise.

01:38 - Bravo, Gulf, Oscar...
Gone by 01:40z

Back at 01:43z and now can hear the groups of three.
Gone at 01:48z


North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Radio Free Mars 6950AM *0051
« on: April 01, 2012, 0101 UTC »
Tough copy here so far.

01:00z Benny and the Jets
01:01z something about a guy and his job at Target. Hard to hear lyrics, butmight be a parody to the tune of...
01:02z Song continues
01:03z More voice over ...hospital...
01:03z back to Benny and the Jets


North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6950 USB Wolverine Radio
« on: March 25, 2012, 2026 UTC »
Thanks Corq. I was just trying to keep up with Skeezix's great log!

That was a heackuva night for pirate chasing. Some great shows!


North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6950 USB Wolverine Radio
« on: March 25, 2012, 0439 UTC »
Skeezix, okay, now I don't feel so bad! Everybody covered each other in the swing era, so sometimes it's hard to nail down an artist. Andrews/King/Boswell sisters sounded like each other on purpose. The hit parade was ranked on sheet music sales, not record sales. Often 78s of the same song were offered at different price points, depending on the popularity of the artist. If you couldn't afford the Bing Crosby version, there were less expensive cover bands available.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6950 USB Wolverine Radio
« on: March 25, 2012, 0421 UTC »
04:15z ID Wolverine Radio
04:15z "Ukelele Lady"
04:19z Swing tune - Beny Goodman
04:23z "Lady is a Tramp"
S9 +5Db - Signal building a touch
04:25z "Sophisticated Lady" Not sure of the artist - kind of sounds like Modernaires.

Skeezix, you got Soundhound going or what? :) I know this era, and you're nailing them!

04:28z "Naughty Lady of Shady Lane" I want to say Mills Bros, but that's not right
04:31z Radio Wolverine ID
04:31z "Little Old Lady From Pasadena" Beach Boys, oops Jan and Dean - Go granny, go granny, go granny go.
04:34z "Lady Godiva" Can't recall artist.

04:38z Never heard the Fats Domino version of "Lady Madonna" before. Very cool.
Sig now S9 +1 or +2Db
04:32z Hendrix "Foxy Lady"
04:45z "Delta Lady" A Leon Russell tune sung by Joe Cocker
Sig back up to +5Db and then some
04:48z Bob Dylan -"Lay Lady Lay" Nashville Country Skyline
04:51z Green Eyed Lady - Sugarloaf?

Distracted by chasing DX on 30m. Good condx demand some air time.

05:11z mid-song "That ain't no way to treat a Lady" Artist forgotten long long and many brain cells ago.
05:12z Wow, can't drag this one out of the memory banks either.
05:14z Lyle Lovett "She's no Lady"
05:18z Wolverine ID - tone and clicks of SSTV. I really ought to set up for receiving that.

I'm liking the era Wolverine. Keep it up!
Well, I like the Lady theme as well. No matter the era.

Nice show, great signal. Thanks Wolverine Radio!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: XFM 6950 AM *0135
« on: March 25, 2012, 0352 UTC »
Was not expecting to be on the air with DJ Redhat. A little "ate up with the dumbass"" over that one. Sent him a YouTube link of Little Feat "Fatman in the Bathtub".

03:51z I've lost them. Not sure if they went off, or condx shifted radically. Been strong all night. Hope you all enjoyed my Zappa request.

Thank you DJ Redhat, great show tonight.


PS. If anyone is recording, I would appreciate a link later. I cannot hear them anymore. I see on Skeezix's log that DimBulb sent DJ Redhat "Two Trains" by Little Feat. Good selection! Hope the folks enjoyed it. Thank You!

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: XFM 6950 AM *0135
« on: March 25, 2012, 0228 UTC »
03/25/12 6.950 AM

Very nice signal into very middle of America. S9 +10Db. Covering all static in AM mode. Practically commercial broadcast quality signal as long as keep the filters under 3200K.

02:24z ID The power of ? This is XFM
02:25z Back to music - I don't know the artist ."..brand new day, banging of the drum.. Ian Brown
02:27z Shout out to Red Mercury Labs, rundown on tracks
02:28z gave out email address.. mention of good condx


PS - Stepped outsiode with my tiny little Degen DE 321 and picked up Filter - "Where do we go from here", into announcer with playlist rundown. This is  $20 radio with an 18" whip!

PS. Hmm, I transcribed the email address wrong. It bounced.

PPS. Main receving station here is a Ten Tec Jupiter and a 31' ground mounted vertical with 32 radials. Stepped in to the kitchen and got a decent signal on  my old Zenith TransOceanic Royal 7000 with just the whip. Impressive.

Thanks for the show.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6925 USB Red Mercury Labs
« on: March 25, 2012, 0202 UTC »
Hah. Thanks for the shout out RMLs.

I really gotta get an email address with the correct gender. Catherwood is male. Audrey Farber/Melanie Haber/Susan Underhill/Betty Jo Bialoski/Nancy is my wife. (She's in the aviary, studying trees presently.)

Koo Koo Ca Choo...

PS. signal building a touch. Still strong and covering almost all static

PPS. That's Jupiter and Saturn lined up in the Western sky. Jupiter is the bright one.

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: 6925 USB Red Mercury Labs
« on: March 25, 2012, 0141 UTC »
Red Mercury Labs 03/25/2012

Very nice signal in the middle of the US. Noise floor about S6. Sig S8/S9+5Db As long as they're over S9, They're covering the static.
Good balance between the announcer audio and the music audio.

01:24z UnID Classical piece ID's as Wagner@
01:29z Radio Mercury Labs ID, " A sort of German Theme for tonight... something a little different...
01:31z "Rockin' Like a Hurricane
01:35z I should know this one... Sure can hear it well anyway.
01:39z Red Mercury Labs ID ...been in the wheel house all day, getting a little tired...
01:40 on to Scorpions got the Dipole V hanging from the yard arm...

Fired up the old Zenith TO Royal 700o and was able to tease RMLs out on just the whip sitting on the kitchen table. Nice Job Red Mercury!

02:38z Shout out to Captain Ron.
03:13z Sign off. "The manliest of modes,USB".

05:11z right at noise level in the very middle of America. Sounds like Zeppelin "Whole Lotta of Love"
05:12 "Come on Eileen"
05:16z "Cars"
05:20z Hmm, I lived through the eighties as an adult, I should remember this one. "Don't you want me, baby..." sig up to +5Db
05:24z "Get in my Belly!" Austin Powers clip
05:24z ??? Good copy, I just don't recognize the tune.
05:39z "Come on Eileen" reprise a few bars
05:39z Voices with some echo. Can't make out.
05:40z Sounds like live announcer, but too noisy. "Thank you (someone)"
05:41z gone
05:43z Okay, not gone, I think I hear "Col. Turtlehead"? I didn't hear "Catherwood", did I?

Someone calling Col. Turtlehead. Good copy on the exchange between caller and the Col. "Hope to have another show Sat. or Sun."
05:44z Signoff.

Audio is a little thin, but pretty legible now. Sig not really building much, but the noise level is coming down. Also getting the static crashes here, of course.

Thanks for the show!

Ten Tec Jupiter, 31' ground mounted vert with 32 radials.


Oh, you got her phone number in there, you just have to decode it. Got your one-time pad ready?

They've just come up out of the noise here in flyover country. Heard another shoutout to S. McArdle @ 01:59z. Very tough copy with the storm noise here. UnID Music @ 02:00z.


EDIT: Shout out to me @ 02:07z. Thanks magic shortwave radio. Half the time I don't know where flyover country is either. Sigs up to 10Db over even without shouting.

02:11z Guitar riff opening and vocals sound like maybe Jane's Addiction?
02:15z ID Magic Shortwave Radio
02:16z Static making it tough, but another mention of flyover country

Fun show, what I can hear of it. Thank you MSR. - Get a rubber mouth guard and protect your teef!

02:19z Tea for Two? ahahahahaha! Love it.
02:22z some props to L Cee
02:26z Second of two music selections in a row. Guitar riffs and vocals is about all I can make out. Too bad condx suck.
02:34z Dropped into the static just as I  heard "Catherwood", maybe a short discussion about yer new teef guard?
02:36z "Last tune" Offspring?

Hope to hear you again soon Magic Shortwave Radio.

=Catherwood Koo Koo ka Choo

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