North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: Dr. Who 6925 USB
« on: April 16, 2012, 0507 UTC »
Rough copy here. Right at my (high) noise level. S8, a lot of static, light QSB.
05:03z Discussion of some political sort. "ignorant, uneducated...." "Most heavily reproducing.. What's going to happen in another million years..." (Sounds like an "Idiocracy" scenario, hah!)
05:05z "Gonna hand it off to one of my co-hosts"
I Wandered off for bit to lower part of 40m
05:28z Two way QSO. Mention of life elsewhere than on this little rock
05:29z Hoping we had some listeners not in this country
05:30z Hearing mentions of Red Mercury Labs
05:21z Sign off. "Good job Dr Who, good job"
Kind of odd. Interesting enough I wish I'd heard it better.
Only catching bits and pieces.
05:03z Discussion of some political sort. "ignorant, uneducated...." "Most heavily reproducing.. What's going to happen in another million years..." (Sounds like an "Idiocracy" scenario, hah!)
05:05z "Gonna hand it off to one of my co-hosts"
I Wandered off for bit to lower part of 40m
05:28z Two way QSO. Mention of life elsewhere than on this little rock
05:29z Hoping we had some listeners not in this country
05:30z Hearing mentions of Red Mercury Labs
05:21z Sign off. "Good job Dr Who, good job"
Kind of odd. Interesting enough I wish I'd heard it better.
Only catching bits and pieces.