European MW Pirate Radio / UNID (RU) 1713 AM 1451 UTC 12 DEC 2022
« on: December 12, 2022, 1501 UTC »
Poor signal (fair at peaks) on KiwiSDR in South Norway. (Fair-good signal on the Tambov KiwiSDR.)
Unstable frequency + drifting slowly upwards (1713.9a at 1528 UTC).
Non-stop Russian pop music.
First time I've heard a Russian music pirate on medium wave in Norway! (I've noticed before that the particular KiwiSDR I'm listening on now is quite good for receiving medium-wave 'QSO hooligans' - but I've never received a 'sharmanshchik' here before!)
Unstable frequency + drifting slowly upwards (1713.9a at 1528 UTC).
Non-stop Russian pop music.
First time I've heard a Russian music pirate on medium wave in Norway! (I've noticed before that the particular KiwiSDR I'm listening on now is quite good for receiving medium-wave 'QSO hooligans' - but I've never received a 'sharmanshchik' here before!)