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Messages - Kevin G

Pages: [1]
22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: 13.565 RF beacon
« on: January 22, 2024, 1557 UTC »
I am receiving the cw beacon RFRFRFRF etc... also about 449 in Madison Wisconsin on 13.565 mhz. Equipment here is Icom 7300 es dipole antenna. 

HF Mystery Signals / Re: Unknown comms? mode?? 14.785 USB
« on: November 04, 2023, 1345 UTC »
Tnx Thomas.. I have heard it on other bands as well. Will pickup a sd card.. 73 Kevin

HF Mystery Signals / Re: Unknown comms? mode?? 14.785 USB
« on: November 03, 2023, 2355 UTC »
Transmissions ended approx 2345 utc

HF Mystery Signals / Unknown comms? mode?? 14.785 USB
« on: November 03, 2023, 2256 UTC »
Hi .. I am hearing a weird type of signal possibly? Sounds like different stations talking??
14.785 USB , 22:55 utc 11/3. My location is Madison, WI.. Rx Icom 7300 and dipole. Unknown mode to me.

Thanks!!   Kevin

Utility / Re: Marine CW beacons/markers log.
« on: March 05, 2023, 0148 UTC »
logged the 2 CW stations tonight:

8424 khz   SVO       0130 UTC  5-MAR-2023        579    Greece

8431 khz   TAH       0135 UTC   5-MAR-2023        559   Turkey

Icom 7410 and multiband dipole.
Madison, WI.

Shortwave Broadcast / Re: 29.130 FM broadcast
« on: January 15, 2023, 2311 UTC »
Well, I just found a report from November 2022 that it is Radio Havana Cuba.. Interesting!!  s-7 here right now.. Its a harmonic of 9710 khz, but AM..

Shortwave Broadcast / 29.130 AM broadcast
« on: January 15, 2023, 2307 UTC »
Hi.. I have been hearing a broadcast on 29.130 mhz AM. I have heard spanish music. I have heard it during evenings around 2300UTC.. Not sure if pirate or what. Just curious.. I have checked other loggings but haven't seen any thing..I am in south central Wisconsin.
Thanks! Kevin

Pages: [1]
HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns