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Messages - circuitmike

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Hearing it here as well, but just barely. Rapid fading, signal is about S4 or so.

S6 - S7 here, minimal fading.

"Infected Mushroom Head Radio International. Stop interfering with Zee-kee or you will be eliminated." HA! I don't know what I just stepped into the middle of, but it's entertaining.

HF Mystery Signals / Re: FSK signals around 27359 USB 1701 UTC
« on: November 06, 2022, 0020 UTC »
Interesting idea. Somewhere I have an old wireless keyboard that also worked on 27 MHz. These signals sounded too slow and had too long of a preamble to be keyboard presses, I think. I suspect 45.45 or 50 baud. They also were the same, relatively short, length, which wouldn't be likely to be a mouse.

I tried to make an IQ recording but the signals kept getting weaker and falling into the noise (or the stronger stations, assuming more than one station, were listening at those times).

HF Mystery Signals / Re: FSK signals around 27359 USB 1701 UTC
« on: November 05, 2022, 1724 UTC »
Oh, right, I completely forgot to do that! You know, the thing I love most about HF Underground is the helpful and friendly users.

HF Mystery Signals / FSK signals around 27359 USB 1701 UTC
« on: November 05, 2022, 1703 UTC »
I'm hearing FSK data bursts on 27359 USB. There are others on 27355 USB as well. WTF? I'm in the US and this is a CB radio frequency - FSK data is generally not allowed. I know sometimes CB channel 23 has some FSK paging signals (I hear them all the time at my QTH) but they're nothing like this.

Utility / KFS 12695.5 CW 2252 UTC 15 OCT 2022
« on: October 15, 2022, 2253 UTC »
KFS transmitting in a loop. I can't copy it super well, but I hear CQ CQ CQ DE KFS KFS KFS and copied PLEASE ANSWER at some point.

Utility / UNID 7614.5 AM 2235 UTC 15 OCT 2022
« on: October 15, 2022, 2238 UTC »
There's a hugely strong (S9 +10 or so) buzzing signal centered on 7614.5 right now. I've never heard anything else like it. Any idea what it might be? It sounds like jamming but it's stronger than any jamming I've ever heard before. I thought it might even be local interference but I checked a KiwiSDR in Vermont and it's just as strong there.

About an S5 here with some mild fading. Music is noisy but reasonably clear.

23:47 UTC - booming in here in western MA - S9, no fading. This choral music makes me I feel like I'm in church!

0110 UTC S5, playing Pink Floyd

HF Beacons / Re: Cry Baby Beacon
« on: September 03, 2022, 0052 UTC »
From what part of the country is this beacon most audible? I've been trying KiwiSDR's in various locations in the west and haven't heard it yet. Does it transmit 24/7 or is it solar powered?

0107 UTC: faint but audible here.

0103 UTC, booming in loud and clear. I'm not sure I've ever heard a pirate so clearly before!

Just went off the air about 30 seconds ago. Signal was audible here but it's hard to make out what's being said / played.

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