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Messages - Jon Shoe - N8UL

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Sounding awesome in Northern Lower Mich.  Thanks for the show!

Thanks for the show.  S9 +

Sounding great tonight.  Thanks for the show!!!

S9 with very good audio.

Thanks for the show!

579 and getting better
Dynamite show - as always.  Thanks you!!!

S9 - Loud and strong!
Thanks for the show

S9 here.  Loud and clear.
Thanks for the show!

Great to hear you on the air!  Keep on rockin'!!!!

S6 here.  A little noisy tonight.  That's 2 of us up here in Traverse City listening in tonight.

57 here.  Sounding great.  Thanks for  the show!

59 here in Mich.  Loud and clear.  Thanks for the show!!!

Thanks for the show.  Been listening off and on all day.  You were fading a lot during mid day, but the signal is picking back up.

Happy New Year DJ!!

Rock on!!!!

Beautiful signal into Mich. tonight.  Thanks for the show!
No better time to be a Drunken DJ than New Years Eve!!

I liked the second mic a lot better.  Your regular mic is a bit tinny sounding.

S9+ here tonight.  Good audio. 

Thanks for the show!!!!

S7 here.  Thanks for the show DJDW!!!!

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HFUnderground Mug
HFUnderground Mug
by MitchellTimeDesigns