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Messages - DCtoLight

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Tuned in at 2355z
Usual Kick Ass Sig/audio from MRI Intl
Sig solid S9+20 Audio Freq Response hard Limited at 11 kHz

Upping the game!
Using Waterfall ID 2kHz wide from 11 kHz to 13 kHz "MRI" and bat symbol - Big clapping hands for MRI
Also "HFU" Waterfall ID

QRT at 0233z

Hey MRI, Thanks for the broadcast. What's next, a second channel on LSB?

2351 UT - Adam Ant - "Wonderful"
2356      - Carmel - "Bad Day"

sig about S9+10 USB up to about 4 kHz bandwidth

2254z -  Good Sig S9 +10 to +20 - a little extra freq response from near 0 Hz up to about 3.6 kHz

S7-8 with QRN, QRM using the HFU SDR
Signal is AM (not USB) with what sounds like Spanish talking QRM on LSB only
Mozart - Piano Concerto no. 5 in E-Flat Major.  "Emperor"

Tuned in 0041 UTC
Sig S9+20 on peaks, no problems with static tonight
Audio modulation at good levels but response cutoff sharply at 3kHz

Received directly with SDR Play in SE Mich.

0041 - Paint it Black
0045 - People are Strange


0055 - Summer of '69 (Signal now peaking at S9+40 !!)
0103 - Hendrix National Anthem s/off announcer buried by Hendrix hard to hear, think he was signing off.

Better signal tonight peaking S9+20

Some static crashes causing problems. otherwise good signal

Tuned in 0220 UT
Sig about S8
Audio level good but could be a bit cleaner

Using my RSPdx in SE Mich

Tuned in at 0026z
Listening thru HFU HQ SQR
SINPO - 45454
Sig - S9+10 peaks

0027z - "Time" Chambers Brothers

Sig only about S7 at my location in Mich

Tuned in at 0115 UTC
Carrier level is S9+10 but audio level is very low, can barely hear the program. Zero beating in USB doesn't help either.

More KIPM programs (getting spoiled) it's been like binge listening

Signal S9+20
Audio: Hard Clip at 6 kHz upper limit - processing very good!

side comment: these spectrum sweepers moving up the spectrum are annoying, listening to a SSB signal makes them really annoying when they sweep through.

0128 End of program, followed by Undercover Radio ID/address, signal ends

tuned in 0230
Average S9
Consistent signal tonight very little QSB and thankfully most of the QRN static from last night is gone.

Tuned late in at 06:30 (been watching Coachella tonight)
SINPO 55555
peaking S9+30 (Southeast Michigan)

Caught last 10 minutes. Audio response peaking at 14 kHz (Just shy of FM Broadcast limits)
SDR Console is able to run 24 kHz in Wide Mode SSB. Sounded great!

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / Re: Strong RTTY or similar on 22m
« on: April 10, 2023, 2011 UTC »
I heard it pretty weekly in Michigan at about 2000z 10 Apr 2023. Using MMTTY it is definitely 200 Hz shift. Tried normal then reverse at 45 baud but then it went QRT.

22 Meter Band HiFER Beacons / 22M Beacon heard
« on: April 10, 2023, 1948 UTC »
Thought I would give looking for 22M beacons a try.

13527.7 MHz   1945 UT   "D" about 10 wpm just strong enough to see it clearly on my SDR waterfall.

                      1955 UT   Tried HFU KiwiSDR and signal is stronger

Tuned in about 1915
Signal about S8 with QSB.

At 1519 must of bumped VFO, slid down to 6924.7
At 1521 moved back to 6925

Reading from John Baron's KGB

Signed off with Good Bye at 1922

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