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Messages - DCtoLight

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0325 tune in
not very strong in SE MI
Playing Blues music

Another evening of KIPM courtesy of R. Undercover - "Messages from the Telephone Box at the End of the World"
Signal same as yesterday, S9+20 slight QSB, 7 kHz wide audio

Broadcast ends after about 2 hours 15 minutes of KIPM relay

Two episodes -
  "Messages from the Telephone Box at the End of the World"
  "Terra Incognita" Partially narrated by voices other than Maxwell

Solid S9+20 for entire broadcast. Excellent audio, only drawback is when there were quiet passages, the atmospheric background noise would come through with no carrier to quiet the frequency.

If Alan Maxwell and David Lynch got together to make a "KIPM" movie that would be truly epic!

0106 - Undercover Radio again saying a KIPM relay coming in five minutes.

Tuned in just as he was talking about audio problems and would be back

Signal was about s9+10 on my receiver when he stopped

Tuned back in after 0030

Good signal on my SDR in Michigan (Is Wolverine Radio in Michigan as his name implies?)
55544 audio nearly 4 kHz

0031 A House of Gold - Hank Williams
0034 Black Diamond
0037 ID - Pearly Queen - Traffic
0041 You Got the Silver - Rolling Stones
0045 Heart of Gold - Neil Young
0048 Your Gold Teeth - Steely Dan
0054 Shine on You Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd
0058 Golden Years - David Bowie

Looks like there is a theme... Gold, Diamond, Pearls, Silver, Gold and Gold again, Diamond.... etc

Tune in 2245
SINPO 45554
Audio out to 7kHz - Good Quality

2250 - Rebroadcast of KIPM

Good solid consistent signal, no QSB listened all the way to the end about 00z.

Tuned in about 2205
SINPO 44444
Good modulation level.
Sig about S8-S9 from HFU SDR in MD
Just hearing barely above the noise here in MI about S5-6

2208 - WBNY Talent Contest with Commander Bunny
2214 - Promo for "The Strangler"
2214 - Fogey's Crystals commercial
2215 - More Talent Contest
2221 - The 75th and final episode of "The Strangler"
2228 - End of broadcast

tune in 0214
signal low about S7 in Mich
K3FEF SDR signal s9+20 good quality

0214 aint nothing like the real thing
0216 guess the theme promo
0217 i wouldn't wan to be like you
0220 tell like it is
0223 id
0223 like a hurricane
0228 loves me like a rock
0231 id with strike
0232 just like living in paradise
0235 looks like we made it
0238 im like a bird
0243 girls like you
0246 ballmacker id
0246 love is like oxygen
0250 like starting over
0253 sstv
0255 sign off

Signal weak on my receiver, just loud enough to hear.
Using KiwiSDR at W3PIE FM09 signal a little over S9

Tuned in at 0220

0220 (tune in) LA Woman - The Doors
0227 Morse ID "WDOG"
0227 Next songs starts playing, begins to break up and skip, then voice heard "Uh Oh, That's not good" then nothing.
0332 Someone whistling them from Andy Griffith Show, followed by a recording of the theme. Signal/audio much weaker now.

Tuned in 0205
Sig 45554

Audio level good but only 2.8 kHz bandwidth
"Where Eagles Dare" - Iron Maiden

Tuned in approx 0025z
Good S9+20, hear no noise under the music.
Using HDSDR on RSPdx with bandwidth at 10kHz - Looks like Freq Resonse out to about 9kHz, very nice/clean
0031 Radio 48 ID Non-Stop Music
0031 "Ship of Fools" - World Party
0035 ID into "Don't Let's Start" - They Might Be Giants
0038 Non Stop Music into "Things Can Get Only Better" - Howard Jones
0046 Assorted PSA's
0048 "TV Party" - Black Flag
0052 "I Shot the Sheriff" - Bob Marley

0004 Waterfall ID for MRI strong sharp image

Tuning in at 0325z:
MRI is still loud and proud with solid s9+20, no change after 4 hours!
Tuning in on KFS receiver in Half Moon Bay, CA MRI is solid S8-9 very listenable signal and the KFS receiver can do 6 kHz bandwidth.

Tuned in 0000Z 03/03/2023
Solid signal about S8 no QSB - good audio

0000 - Transmitted waterfall image - face with text couldn't make out.
0000 - Nobody - Tom Waits
0003 - Big Joe and Phantom 309
           (sounds like playing multiple cuts from "Nighthawks at the Diner")

Tuned in 2345 UT
Sig peaking s9+20

0004 Zeke with "Guinness World Radio" ID - I guess keeping in the Irish music theme tonight

Almost no signal in Michigan
S8-9 on HFU SDR

North American Shortwave Pirate / Re: UNID 6950 USB 2246 13 Feb 2023
« on: February 13, 2023, 2320 UTC »
Tuned in at 2310 UTC

SDR DX with 40M EFHW Inv Vee


2310 - Belly Dancer Joe Satriani
2315 - Starry Night Joe Satriani
2319 - Chords of Life Joe Satriani

2335 - Signal fading down to about S7 or less, band must be lengthening and signal skipping over me.
           Checked HFU SDR and signal still S8-9

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